Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Drew loves my fall decorations - especially the pumpkins that we have around the house! So when we went to the pumpkin patch today, he was overwhelmed! "Pumpkins!!" And he really liked the "pumpkin patch visitor" sticker that one of the boy scouts working there gave him. He kept thanking him - even as we were leaving, 15 minutes later.
Here's Drew picking out pumpkins - this one looks good!
Oh, but I can actually pick this one up!
But with a wagon you can get any size you want! He was saying "heavy" and "pull."

Trying to pose for a picture...but distracted by the piece of hay...

He liked riding in the wagon too!

I think he had a good time. But he was a little confused when we left the pumpkins out on the porch when we got home. But when he doesn't want to go inside, we tell him to go find his kitties. Then he runs inside yelling, "Charlie! Simon!" So easily distracted!!

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