Monday, May 16, 2011

more pictures from my parents' visit

Here's me and Emma enjoying our awesome weather.

Emma played baseball too...sort of.

Here's Drew with his eyes on the ball, ready to get hit!

Another good action picture!

Three generations - me, Emma and my mom. We will have to get one with my grandma too next time we visit!

We got to ride in my parents' new car - here's Drew peeking around the seat at me!

This was Drew's first time in a convertible!

Enjoying the breeze!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Parents Visit and First Soccer Practice

My parents visited this past weekend. We got to play outside in the nice weather, see Drew's first soccer practice, and just hang out with the kids. On Friday night, the kids went to the Y for Parents Night Out and so we even got to go out to eat kid-free. (Which this worked out great b/c Drew had a GREAT time at the Y and was excited to tell us all about it when we picked him up!)

Friday during the day, Emma was so silly and kept bringing Mr. Potato Head's glasses to my mom so that she'd put them on her! Then she'd walk around and play with them on! But she wouldn't do it once Chad got home from work.

Then Saturday morning Drew had his first soccer practice. Here's his whole "team" with their coach. (Drew's the third one, and his best buddy Luke is next to him in red.)

Here's Drew taking a break.

Drew and Luke waiting on the white line for their next instructions.

Here's an action shot!

And running with a silly grin! =)

Here's Emma watching all the action with my dad - she's ready to play!

And a couple videos of Drew. They were supposed to kick it lightly and slowly and then stop the ball with their foot on top of it. "Slowly" was not in Drew's vocabulary that day, so this one was a little hard for him.

And then they had to kick the ball and knock over as many cones as possible. He did pretty good with this and got quite a few.

And then at the end of practice each kid got to score a goal!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here's Emma and I watching the boys play baseball this evening.

And here's Drew playing ball. In a couple weeks he starts soccer!

Emma on the go...with pretty nails!

Emma is practically running now! She's growing up so fast, I'm not sure where this last year has gone! Here's a video of her getting around the house.

And, yes, I did paint her toenails! They're so little, it was easy to just put a swipe of polish on each toe.

She starting to try more foods - and nutri-grain bars are one of her favorites! She gobbles a whole one down pretty fast. Here she is finishing one up ...and making a really silly face for the camera!