Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carving pumpkins!

We carved pumpkins tonight and Drew was very watching. He was not too sure about putting his hands down in all that goo! When he finally did touch it a little bit, he rubbed his hands together and said, "wash." So, I think Chad is planning on taking Drew to go play in dirt this weekend to toughen him up!! haha! Although, I've seen him outside, and he gets down and dirty...I think it was just the orange goo that threw him off!
You want me to do what??

But it's all gooey!

Then we enjoyed our real jack-o-lanterns along with the fakes before bedtime.

His new favorite thing to do is ring the doorbell! Trick-o-treating might be interesting...because, of course, he doesn't just ring it once...

When watching this video, others may be concerned or think Drew is weird...but my family will completely understand! :) This past month Drew has started rocking on the couch. He has already been rocking on all fours in his sleep (for about a year now), but this sitting up rocking is fairly new. And yes, I did this when I was little too!! Well today, I'd really worn him out and I saw his eyes getting heavy while he was rocking, so I grabbed the camera. And he did just what I thought he was gonna do - he fell asleep!! So funny!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I used to cut Drew's banana in tiny pieces (really, until just recently, just out of habit). Then I started holding it and letting him take bites... Now, he does it all himself (I just have to keep peeling it back). He's getting TOO big TOO fast!

Here he is lounging in his jammies before bedtime. He loves Dora the Explorer now and will sit still to watch it!

Last weekend we wanted to do something Halloween-ish...all we could really find was the Boo Bash. We weren't sure what we were getting into - but it was free! We watched all the little kids participate in a costume contest. Drew was a little afraid of the costumes and all the people and just sat on Chad's lap at first. But then he really liked how the crowd got to clap after each round and so he clapped and yelled "yay!" a lot. Then a little boy next to us started throwing a balloon back and forth with him, and that loosened him up. By the end he was dancing to the music the DJ was playing! He even saw some of his buddies from the Y and said "hi." Here he is at the beginning - checking things out still.

Drew has really gotten the hang of tormenting our cats...but I think the cats kind of like it. They can go upstairs (Drew can't get past the gate) or jump up on something high. But they stay within his reach most of the time. And I have to say that I am very impressed that our ferocious Charlie (if you've seen him play, you've seen how he can attack and play TOO rough at times) has never been aggressive with Drew! Drew might have deserved some aggression during this game though...

We tried to get Drew to watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown tonight...but he was more interested in reading his new books from Grandma and Grandpa. It caught his attention during the scene when Snoopy was pretending to fly an airplane - he liked the airplane sounds! Tomorrow night we plan on carving pumpkins and then this weekend we are trick-or-treating with some neighborhood friends, so I am sure there will be more to post later!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drew's gonna be a big brother!

As all of you know...DREW IS GONNA BE A BIG BROTHER!! We are so excited, and everything has been going really well so far. I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and saw and heard the little heartbeat. And then at 12 weeks, I heard the heartbeat on the doppler, got a flu shot, had blood taken, and got some stronger medication for my frequent headaches (which I didn't have when I was pregnant with Drew). My next checkup is November 4th and we have our next ultrasound (to find out the sex!!) on November 18th! Lots of things are different then my pregnancy with Drew...and the main difference is how soon I am showing! I am looking the same as I did at about 18-20 weeks with Drew - and I'm only 13 1/2 weeks along! Oh well, I've heard it's normal, and I just can't wait to feel the little baby moving around! Drew points at my belly and says "baby" - I can't wait for him to feel it move too! Here's a picture from today (13 weeks 4 days).

Indiana visit and ABCs

We made another quick weekend trip to Indiana this past weekend. We had a good visit and got to spend time with my grandmother. Drew enjoyed visiting her at the Hospice Center because it's right next to the hospital - and he got to see the hellicopter land...twice! So, hellicopter is now his favorite word - and he says it pretty good! He called my grandma "Greenlee" and whenever we went to see her he'd talk about the hellicopter. Here's a video of Drew practicing his ABCs with the alphabet puzzle that my mom had given him. He knows O and P and sometimes B. His favorite show right now is Wheel of Fortune!

Here's Drew today after we got home from the grocery store. I tied his balloon to his pants so I could carry all the groceries in. Here he's literally saying "cheese" for the picture. And then he kept asking me to take "one more."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Drew loves my fall decorations - especially the pumpkins that we have around the house! So when we went to the pumpkin patch today, he was overwhelmed! "Pumpkins!!" And he really liked the "pumpkin patch visitor" sticker that one of the boy scouts working there gave him. He kept thanking him - even as we were leaving, 15 minutes later.
Here's Drew picking out pumpkins - this one looks good!
Oh, but I can actually pick this one up!
But with a wagon you can get any size you want! He was saying "heavy" and "pull."

Trying to pose for a picture...but distracted by the piece of hay...

He liked riding in the wagon too!

I think he had a good time. But he was a little confused when we left the pumpkins out on the porch when we got home. But when he doesn't want to go inside, we tell him to go find his kitties. Then he runs inside yelling, "Charlie! Simon!" So easily distracted!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Couple random pictures

There's nothing to report, but I had a few pictures to post. Drew's got a runny nose that we're keeping a close eye on - all you read about (especially at places where kids go!) is the flu. Right now, I think it's just allergies b/c there's no other symptoms, but we're avoiding our usual activities (except the Y, for now).
Here's Drew in his Elmo jammies hugging his Elmo. He really loves Elmo! :) And he loves his pumpkins and asks us to plug them in whenever we're in the living room.

It was a drizzly day, and since we were staying home, we took a walk around the block for something to do. Since I love the outfit Drew had on, I decided to take some pictures. I'd run ahead and turn around to take his picture...and he'd turn around like me and walk backwards! What a nut! But I got a couple decent pictures.

Here he is gazing at a really gawdy fountain that one of our neighbors put up.

Here he is making a silly face...and his eyes look a little crossed! I think he was in the middle of saying something too.

And here's his sweet, innocent look.