Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Indiana visit and ABCs

We made another quick weekend trip to Indiana this past weekend. We had a good visit and got to spend time with my grandmother. Drew enjoyed visiting her at the Hospice Center because it's right next to the hospital - and he got to see the hellicopter land...twice! So, hellicopter is now his favorite word - and he says it pretty good! He called my grandma "Greenlee" and whenever we went to see her he'd talk about the hellicopter. Here's a video of Drew practicing his ABCs with the alphabet puzzle that my mom had given him. He knows O and P and sometimes B. His favorite show right now is Wheel of Fortune!

Here's Drew today after we got home from the grocery store. I tied his balloon to his pants so I could carry all the groceries in. Here he's literally saying "cheese" for the picture. And then he kept asking me to take "one more."

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