Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drew's allergy update

We found out some interesting information about our little man. He had his one year appointment last week, and they tested him for food allergies. We got the results back this week...and he has an allergy to milk (which I was about 99% sure of!), peanuts (panic!), egg whites (you wouldn't believe all the things that have eggs!), and of course Charlie and Simon! At least his allergy to peanuts is only if he consumes them - he can touch them and breathe them w/o reaction(which I know some children have such a severe allergy that they can't even be in the same room, which is why I wanted to panic when I first heard this). The milk and egg white allergy really limits the table food that I can give him. But we are starting him on soy milk this weekend (he tasted it tonight and didn't care for it...uh oh), and I will just have to do some research and get creative so our guy doesn't miss out on all the GOOD STUFF! If this allergy sticks with him, that means no pizza, no mac n cheese, no cheese flavored ANYTHING. No Reese's cups?? But they plan on re-testing him in 6 months, and there's a good chance that he'll outgrow it.
We hosted playgroup today, but only two friends could come. But I think Natalia and Sofia had a good time -Drew sure has plenty of toys to share b/c everyone has spoiled him!
Here's Drew and Sofia. Drew is a little rough with pushing his push-toys and barrelling through whatever gets in his way.
Natalia walked laps around our house - she was just showing Drew how it's done! And actually, Drew has been walking a lot more lately - he'll get going and go across the whole room! Here's Natalia in the kitchen - she will be one mid-March. And, as some of you know, I got a "new" hair-do (for free!). I met a girl that was interviewing at a salon, and she had to highlight and cut someone's hair during the interview - so I volunteered!! I like it in this picture (I took it right afterwards), but the next day, I couldn't get it to straighten quite like this... we'll see if I can figure it out! I know this is Drew's website...but here's the new do! :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Drew's new hair styles

We have heard that our son looks like Charlie Brown at least 20 times - from strangers, friends, family, everyone. We feel his bald head is to blame! So, we decided to see what he would look like with hair (my hair)!! I think you all would agree he looks much better bald right now! haha He's such a good sport - we always make him look silly and he just smiles!

This style resembles the comb-over. Hair on the sides and bald on top.
This is the messy, surfer style - and it's not too comfortable in the eyes!

This style deserves a "one free haircut" coupon b/c the stylist made it crooked!

And this is Chad's personal favorite with the tightly curled bangs! He looks like a girl!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One Year Doctor Visit

Drew had his one year appointment today. He had four shots and some blood work done (to test for anemia and some food allergies). He really liked the doctor's stool on wheels! He pushed it all over the room! This was the first time that as soon as the doctor tried to examine him, he reached for me and kept hugging on me. It could have to do with him not feeling well...or maybe he's showing some stranger anxiety. His weight measurement was a little off, since he's been sick, but he's grown 1 1/2 inches! And his head continues to be big and is in the 90th percentile at 48 cm! His next appointment isn't until August at 18 months.

Birthday pictures & videos

Drew may not have been able to play and enjoy his birthday party, but we made sure that he had a good actual birthday! We got all his new toys out and put his freshly cleaned Birthday Boy t-shirt back on. And for the most part, he acted happy and like he felt better.
He LOVES his tent from his buddy Sofia! So much fun to crawl in, around, through, over! And it's never in the same spot in the morning - the cats like it too!

Drew has been saying "ba" for ball. Well, now he has decided to emphasize the "lll" sound, and he does something funny with his tongue - very silly! Also, he will throw his hands up and sound out "I dunno."

Here's a quick family shot.

It's fun to play peek-a-boo with the curtains!

I think that's a "no thank you" to the Happy Birthday hat!

Happy birthday, Drew!

And he's been walking a lot more on his own. He has even walked, turned around, and walked back. Here he is walking - and getting excited about it!

And, here's some pictures from A YEAR AGO!! This year has flown by for sure! Here's our first family photo, just an hour or so after Drew was born. We were at the hospital in labor for 32 hours before he was finally delivered by C-section at 10:15am.
This was after Chad's first day back at work. They fell asleep on the couch together...holding hands! Drew is 4 days old!
Drew is one week old...and he looks like an old man in this picture! He looks so little!!
Drew is 9 days old and already loving the outdoors! My mom and I had just taken him on his first walk around the neighborhood and we were sitting on our back deck. What a smile!! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drew's First Birthday Party

Drew's first birthday party was today! He was pretty excited to see all the balloons and decorations up when he woke up from his nap! He wore his "birthday boy" shirt and looked very cute! Then...just as the first guest arrived...he got sick! It was so sad that he didn't get to play with all his friends that came. We got to sing happy birthday and open his presents with him, but he spent most of his time upstairs or being held. We will have to celebrate with him tomorrow, on his actual birthday! Hopefully this is just the 24 hour bug and I hope to God that he didn't share it with any of his little friends!

Here's Charlie and Simon - the party animals that disappear once the party starts!

Here's Drew's first birthday cake! I don't know if you can see it - but there's a monkey hanging between the trees (it's actually Curious George - we just didn't have them put the "Curious George" logo on it). We had a gorilla and balloon set out for each of the kids. There were also party hats, but they didn't last too long on anyone's head! :)

Drew's high chair was all decorated for him! But he didn't get to try any cake. :( Maybe tomorrow - we've got plenty leftover!

Here's the only picture I have of Drew in his Birthday t-shirt. He's sitting with Grandmom and showing Oivia how to work the farm animal toy.

Sofia and Reese thought maybe teamwork could bring down the baby gate!
Drew helped open his presents! Thank you so much to everyone - you completely spoiled him!

Drew was feeling better after the party and he got to hang out with his Granddad.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Birthday package from Grandma and Grandpa

A package arrived today from Grandma and Grandpa in Indiana for Drew's birthday! He REALLY liked the box and how it opened and closed. And it even had bubble wrap and newspapers in it - which was lots of fun! We finally got to the birthday presents in the box, and he loves his new Elmo!! Thank you so much for everything, Mom and Dad!!

Here's Drew as he meets Elmo. I think they're going to get along great!! :) Don't look too close, but the "did you catch that on camera?" as the video ends is referring to the cat getting sick in the background...lovely!


We're almost ready for Drew's party, and SO excited that all his friends are gonna be able to come! He got to play with his friends at playgroup yesterday, and Ayesha got a silly picture of Drew. He LOVED little Sofia's big bear! The first time the six of us moms got together for playgroup (about 4 1/2 months ago!), all the babies were trying to figure out how to crawl! We stayed in one room and the babies didn't move they're all over the host's house! The group has two walkers (well, Drew's KINDA walking but still prefers to crawl), three FAST crawlers/cruisers, and the youngest is almost crawling!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby steps...he's getting better!

Drew LOVES being outside! Here's a couple pictures from the weekend - it was in the 70s!

For a few days after his first steps, he didn't seem interested in taking any more. But in the past couple days he has taken quite a few! Yesterday while his Grandmom and Nana were visiting he started walking back and forth from one person to the other. He was so excited - it was very cute!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, Drew has taken a step or two at childwatch and then again for us at home... so I wanted to capture it on video... and then he takes at least 5 or 6 steps for the video!!! YAY DREW!!! We were so excited for him!! These are literally his first REAL STEPS!

We had another snow day today - and Drew wanted to play in it!

He was smiling at the camera when I pressed the button and then did this just in time for the picture! What a cheeseball! (Notice the boo boos on his nose - one he did in his sleep and another is from trying to walk in childwatch. He also got a busted lip over the weekend from crawling too fast and tripping!)

The other day, I taught Drew how to color! ...he needs a few more lessons! My blue crayon is broken now!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Drew's Y buddy

And here's one more picture of Drew in Childwatch at the Y. He's with his buddy, Luke. Luke's mommy is a gymnastics coach too. He is 3 months younger than Drew - but look at all that hair!! These two spend a lot of time together here with Miss Tara!

A walk in the park

Drew is getting over his cold, so we thought some fresh air would be good for him. We (like everyone else!) decided to take advantage of our 60 degree day and head to the park on the lake. We pushed Drew in his stroller around the 1.5 mile trail. He waved at the other walkers and runners and saw lots of dogs. Then he got out of the stroller so he could get a closer look at the water and the ducks. He practiced some walking with Dad too.

Some other Drew News:

* He loves to throw a ball! He will hold it up and say "ba." He has a pretty good arm, but the release is a little late so it bounces real hard! He will try to throw it to us, and then he'll "catch" it when we roll it back.

* He skipped bottles for several days straight, and drank his milk from sippy cups! He's still a little messy, but got enough to satisfy his hunger.

* Most days he thinks just one nap is enough now. He'll act tired when his second nap is supposed to happen, but then he gets a burst of energy and holds off until bedtime!

* We've witnessed his first steps... if side steps count! He'll let go and stand on his own, and then step sideways 1-2 steps and sit. It's not "walking" yet, but he's getting braver!