Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Birthday pictures & videos

Drew may not have been able to play and enjoy his birthday party, but we made sure that he had a good actual birthday! We got all his new toys out and put his freshly cleaned Birthday Boy t-shirt back on. And for the most part, he acted happy and like he felt better.
He LOVES his tent from his buddy Sofia! So much fun to crawl in, around, through, over! And it's never in the same spot in the morning - the cats like it too!

Drew has been saying "ba" for ball. Well, now he has decided to emphasize the "lll" sound, and he does something funny with his tongue - very silly! Also, he will throw his hands up and sound out "I dunno."

Here's a quick family shot.

It's fun to play peek-a-boo with the curtains!

I think that's a "no thank you" to the Happy Birthday hat!

Happy birthday, Drew!

And he's been walking a lot more on his own. He has even walked, turned around, and walked back. Here he is walking - and getting excited about it!

And, here's some pictures from A YEAR AGO!! This year has flown by for sure! Here's our first family photo, just an hour or so after Drew was born. We were at the hospital in labor for 32 hours before he was finally delivered by C-section at 10:15am.
This was after Chad's first day back at work. They fell asleep on the couch together...holding hands! Drew is 4 days old!
Drew is one week old...and he looks like an old man in this picture! He looks so little!!
Drew is 9 days old and already loving the outdoors! My mom and I had just taken him on his first walk around the neighborhood and we were sitting on our back deck. What a smile!! :)

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