Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekend in Lenoir

Drew spent the night in Lenoir this weekend. He and his cousin Olivia enjoyed hanging out at Grandmom and Granddad's. Of course, as soon as we all arrived we had to get a picture of the two together! The size difference that 4 months can make is amazing (plus the fact that Drew's just a big boy!).

This weekend Drew also started doing a silly grin ALL THE TIME! You can't help but smile back him - it's so goofy!

The next day we all went up to Stone Mountain to picnic and go for a short hike. Drew loves the outdoors - especially leaves.

We did a little off-roading in his stroller and he liked the bumpy ride.

Drew also liked sitting in the big blue chair...

...and sitting on Granddad's lap

And there's Olivia enjoying her first time in the mountains!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I helped Drew to his hands and knees and he showed off his rocking skills for the camera! It's just a short video, b/c I thought he was going to leap to his nose, which he's done before. He's still figuring it all out.

Then we played outside, and of course had to take a quick picture!

I'm excited to get some good pictures this weekend when we head to the mountains with Chad's family. Hopefully we'll get some good ones of Drew with his cousin Olivia!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Drew's banana-tasting

Not a lot going on here, I just wanted to post a couple pictures of Drew with his new toy from Grandmom and Granddad. He's starting to figure it out! Also, I wanted to share a quick video of Drew tasting my banana. He LOVES bananas from the jar, but not so much when it's in its original form! But he does like sitting in his high chair - especially if I wheel him over to the sink to drop off our dirty dishes and wipe his face and then wheel him back to the dining room before I get him out! Oh, and his birthday gift to me - he slept about 12 hours last night!! And when we checked on him in the morning, he was even sleeping on his tummy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy weekend

We had a busy weekend - on the go the entire time! We went out to eat twice, and Drew did great both times. He enjoyed himself with the occasional happy squeal and raspberry blowing. He got some alone time with Daddy while I worked Saturday morning. He also got to hang out with Grandmom and Granddad while Chad and I played a quick 9 holes of golf. Then he got to see the fish at the aquarium at Bass Pro Shop. He especially liked the moose at the entrance to the store. Then today he was an extra big boy - he rode in the grocery cart w/o his carseat!! My mom got us a cart cover for him, and he loved it! He wanted to hold (eat!) my grocery list, but I think he enjoyed being a big boy and being able to "help." He's good at sitting now, and is starting to reach for things farther and farther away, to where he's almost on his hands and knees. If we set him on his hands and knees he'll rock back and forth a little bit. He's getting so big!
Here's Drew looking older and older...
Becoming more and more mobile!
Petting the moose!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's Drew doing now at 6 months

We ended up switching Drew's 6 month appointment for various reasons. He lucked out and can put off those mean shots for a little longer (Sept 5th). Drew has been doing much better with eating solids - he usually eats one container of a fruit and one of a veggie (2.5 oz. each) everyday. Sometimes he'll have some of his oatmeal cereal too (and that's his favorite!). The sippy cup is still a challenge, and he's not too sure about apple juice (maybe b/c it's so diluted with water). He has to grab everything now, which I think is so neat. TV remote, computer, the tree in the living room, my drink, the cat's tail - whatever gets within 1 or 2 feet of him! I think soon he'll figure out he can get into even MORE stuff if he crawls or scoots! Still no teeth, but LOTS of drool. He soaked his t-shirt today at playgroup b/c he had to chomp on every toy. He studies little details on his toys and loves anything that has a tag. He will also grab his pacifier and put it in his mouth all by himself....but not in the middle of the night! We usually get up one or two times to pop it in and flip his music on and he's back to sleep immediately. He spends most of the day sitting up playing with his toys spread out on the living room floor, standing (and now jumping) in his exersaucer, tolerating tummy time, helping mommy run errands, playing at "camp" (that's what we call his childcare while I'm at work), and then playing with daddy in the evening. Of course, there's the not-so-fun stuff in between (diapers, spit up, crankiness, messy feeding times, suctioning boogies from his nose, and fighting naps), but we have fun for the most part! Here's a video from the other day...poor Charlie! He doesn't know what's coming!

Monday, August 18, 2008

6 months old!

Drew is 6 months old...half a year ago our life was completely different! Time sure does fly! I cleaned out my closet this weekend and was amazed how HUGE some of my maternity clothes were - and they were too small the last few weeks! I can't even remember what being pregnant feels like. Anyways, here's a video of Drew playing with the toy Daddy got him this weekend. I'll post more after his appointment tomorrow morning.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Silly pictures

Drew met up with some of his friends at our playgroup yesterday. Most of them are a month or two older and have started crawling already - so Drew enjoys watching all the action! I'm hoping he joins in soon...but not too soon! After taking it all in, he actually fell asleep in my lap while we moms were chatting - everyone got a kick out of that. Not much going on, but here are some pictures from the last couple days.

Drew's baths have now moved to the kitchen sink! He's outgrown his baby bathtub - I'd end up just as wet as him b/c he'd kick all the water out!

Also, his feet are about ready to pop out of his 9 month pjs, so here's him modeling his new 12 month jammies.

Oh, and our stylish little guy enjoyed an unusually chilly summer day - in his GAP jeans and tennis shoes! haha - too funny. Shoes are completely useless right now...but so cute!

Last night Drew was chattering away, and we swear he said some impressive words in all that chatter! We definitely heard him say "kitty cat" and "hi" least that's what WE think we heard. :) He also decided to blow some bubbles on my leg, which was hilarious. The little video doesn't quite capture it all, but it's a sneak peak at his latest "trick."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Drew's accessories

Not a whole lot going on with our little man, but I wanted to share a couple silly pictures from today. Unfortunately, he's more aware now of what we make him wear...and he doesn't care for the sunglasses as much! But I did manage a picture with the shades and even his shoes! We're excited to get his official 6 month measurements next week at his doctor's appointment.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Drew's been swimming again!

Drew likes his swimming pool! Now that he's sitting up alone, it's much more exciting for him to sit and splash (we'd tried him in it at just a few months old, but he only lasted a few minutes in it.) Yesterday, he enjoyed a trip to the pet store. The fish and rats were his favorites! Then we headed to the mall and checked out the Build-A-Bear store (just to look!), and we headed to another store...and he was sound asleep - typical guy! Here's pictures (and of course a video) of him "swimming" and a couple others from this past week. He'll be 6 months old next weekend!!

Drew is dressed just like Daddy!

Cheesy smile (with the pacifier!)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drew's sitting up!

I just wanted to share a couple pictures and a short video of Drew sitting up playing. We still sit right there with him b/c he tips over every now and then. Also, some more news for today - he ate almost a whole container of peas for lunch! He'd refused solids a week ago, so we took a break. I tried yesterday with little luck, and then today I alternated spoonfuls of cereal with spoonfuls of peas, and we managed to get quite a bit down. On Thursday, I'm finally taking Drew to get some professional pictures taken!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Drew loves to swing!

Drew had a busy weekend! We've run errands, gone shopping, cleaned house, gone to the Y, and we even went to the park to ride on the swings! Maybe all these activities has worn the little man out, b/c he slept past 8am both Saturday and Sunday mornings! We're loving that! That's over 10 hours where we know Drew's safe and happy so we can relax and get restful sleep. We took plenty of pictures of our morning at the park - he loved swinging!

Friday, August 1, 2008

sitting up...almost mastered!

Just wanted to say, Drew has been sitting up for 2-3 minutes at a time today w/o help!! It won't be long and he'll have this skill mastered. I just weighed the little guy, and he's not so little... he weighed in at 18.2 pounds! Also, I wanted to warn you that I love the video feature of this blog, so I might go overboard! First, some pictures:

Wolfpack fan on his birthday:

And still a fan today:


Hope this makes you smile!