Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's Drew doing now at 6 months

We ended up switching Drew's 6 month appointment for various reasons. He lucked out and can put off those mean shots for a little longer (Sept 5th). Drew has been doing much better with eating solids - he usually eats one container of a fruit and one of a veggie (2.5 oz. each) everyday. Sometimes he'll have some of his oatmeal cereal too (and that's his favorite!). The sippy cup is still a challenge, and he's not too sure about apple juice (maybe b/c it's so diluted with water). He has to grab everything now, which I think is so neat. TV remote, computer, the tree in the living room, my drink, the cat's tail - whatever gets within 1 or 2 feet of him! I think soon he'll figure out he can get into even MORE stuff if he crawls or scoots! Still no teeth, but LOTS of drool. He soaked his t-shirt today at playgroup b/c he had to chomp on every toy. He studies little details on his toys and loves anything that has a tag. He will also grab his pacifier and put it in his mouth all by himself....but not in the middle of the night! We usually get up one or two times to pop it in and flip his music on and he's back to sleep immediately. He spends most of the day sitting up playing with his toys spread out on the living room floor, standing (and now jumping) in his exersaucer, tolerating tummy time, helping mommy run errands, playing at "camp" (that's what we call his childcare while I'm at work), and then playing with daddy in the evening. Of course, there's the not-so-fun stuff in between (diapers, spit up, crankiness, messy feeding times, suctioning boogies from his nose, and fighting naps), but we have fun for the most part! Here's a video from the other day...poor Charlie! He doesn't know what's coming!

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