Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From tummy to sitting up!

Drew's playing with his toys. He's much happier on his belly these days - I think b/c he can roll easily and is stronger.
Drew's digging to the bottom of his toy basket to find the Bert & Ernie book he took from Grandma and Grandpa's. Sorry - we didn't mean to take it!! :)
And here is a video of Drew's new trick. He can now go from his tummy to sitting up. He did it in his sleep the other night - I saw him sitting up in bed! But this morning he did it a whole bunch of times in a row while playing. Then when I put him down for his nap, he did it again in his crib and discovered he has a bouncy mattress - he was bouncing up and down on his bottom and peeking over the top of the bed! Time to put the mattress down lower!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Go Hoosiers!

The high temperature today was just 67 degrees and windy, so Drew got to sport his new winter clothes. He looks so cozy and cuddly in his jeans and sweatshirt!

We went to a playgroup today, and he waved a couple times at the other kids! At least I think that's what he was doing. And when one of the little baby girls was crawling by him, he reached over and spanked her on the rear - that was pretty funny! I think it was by accident though. If we make him clap his hands he thinks it's hilarious! And he is really enjoying his animal books that have furry parts that you touch. He's getting much better with those fine motor skills and using his hands more. Still no crawling, but he has started rolling around - back and forth. He will go from sitting to his hands and knees and then slide to his tummy and start rolling. It won't be long!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Indiana trip

Drew went on his third trip to Indiana this past weekend. He did so good in the car - slept most of the time both ways, and when he was awake he happily played with his toys. He met Wrigley, the black lab (he'd met him before, but hadn't really noticed him) and got to pet Toonses the cat. It was also neat to set out a blanket and watch the three little cousins play : Drew was sitting up reaching for toys, Parker was standing playing with his trucks, and Will laid and watched all the action. I think they will all be buddies! Drew LOVES his Uncle Marc, and smiles as soon as he sees him or hears him - it's pretty funny, and very sweet. He also started waving while he was playing with his older cousins, Tim and Lyndsey.

Parker's favorite thing to do at Grandma and Grandpa's is play with the trucks in the living room - Drew wanted to join him!
Here's Drew with his Uncle Marc and Aunt Sarah.
Drew's hanging out with his cousin Lyndsey. Poor Lyndsey has ALL boy cousins!!

Drew got to sit with his Aunt Julie and Uncle Ben for a bit (we had to trade babies for a few minutes!).

We took Drew to Donner Park - the park that I used to play at everyday when I was little! Here he is with Grandma and Grandpa on the swings.

Here's Drew with his Great-grandma Greenlee. He actually has 3 great-grandmas!
Drew is playing with his cousin Timmi.

Drew's tickling his cousin Will's feet. Will is just 2 1/2 months old. Parker, in the background, is 2 years old.

Here's the 3 youngest grandkids at the zoo!! Drew, Will and Parker

Family photo (my parents, my two grandmas, my aunt Judy, my brother and sister and their spouses and kids, and me, Chad and Drew...and Wrigley the dog)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Baseball practice...gotta start early!

Here's Drew's first baseball practice:

There's something wrong with this picture!

And this is how we found Drew sleeping this morning - with his rear in the air! And I'm proud to say that he finally rolled from his belly to his back today (I'm guessing he does it all the time in his crib, but I hadn't witnessed it until today...and afterwards he still acts like he doesn't know how!)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Drew's feeling better!

We're sad to say that Drew won't be having macaroni and cheese any time soon. His first try at a Stage 2 food, and he had a little reaction. His face broke out right away (but cleared up fairly quickly), and then he's had an upset tummy for the past day and a half. But, to be honest, you'd never know unless you were the lucky diaper-changer. He's been playing as usual - smiles, laughs and all!

Here's Drew taking a nap in his crib.
After going through (literally) several outfits, we decided to just play like this for awhile!

I thought this was pretty neat. I sometimes put a pillow behind Drew in case he tips backwards, and he usually just lays there...but today he decided to sit back up on his own!

Friday, September 5, 2008

6 (and a half) month appointment today!

Drew did good at his appointment. He thoroughly enjoyed the paper they lay out on the table! By the time we were done there, the paper was wadded up, torn, and wet pieces all over. Pretty funny! He's gained weight like a champ and now weighs 19 lbs 4 oz (85th percentile) and grew (a little) to 27 1/4 inches (77th percentile). His head has grown a lot (uh oh - he may have a big Greenlee head afterall!) to 45 1/2 cm (90th percentile). He only cried for about 30 seconds after his shots, and then he was over it. Now we're home, and he's had a quick nap and a full meal, and he's busy playing. What a big boy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Picture comparison

I found this picture of Drew at 3 1/2 months old in his chair in his room.

And then I took a picture of him in the same chair today, at 6 1/2 months old. Just the way he sits now, and of course his size increase, is pretty cool! This baby is turning into a big boy so fast!

And then here he is reading. He's so advanced! haha

Some things Drew's starting to learn:

Here's Drew playing, and then trying to figure out how to scoot on his bottom. Pretty funny!

Drew likes water, and I think he likes his sippy cup...but he hasn't figured it all out yet. He still needs help tilting the cup back.