Friday, September 5, 2008

6 (and a half) month appointment today!

Drew did good at his appointment. He thoroughly enjoyed the paper they lay out on the table! By the time we were done there, the paper was wadded up, torn, and wet pieces all over. Pretty funny! He's gained weight like a champ and now weighs 19 lbs 4 oz (85th percentile) and grew (a little) to 27 1/4 inches (77th percentile). His head has grown a lot (uh oh - he may have a big Greenlee head afterall!) to 45 1/2 cm (90th percentile). He only cried for about 30 seconds after his shots, and then he was over it. Now we're home, and he's had a quick nap and a full meal, and he's busy playing. What a big boy!

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