Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Indiana Trip & First Day of School

Today was Drew's first day of Preschool! I think he was pretty tired from our long day in the car yesterday, but he was still pretty excited. He did great and had fun! Emma was the one that had a hard time. We came home after dropping him off, and she looked around, sat on the floor, and cried (tears and all), "Deeewwww!!" It was so sad...and sweet!

This past weekend (Labor Day Weekend), we went to Indiana. We drove all afternoon/evening on Friday. Then Saturday morning we went to my sister's house. They got their guinea pig out for Drew and Emma to play with it. They fed it a celery stick!

Later that day, everyone came over to my parents' house (excpet my sister, she had to work). We even had a redneck fireworks show before a huge storm hit!

Then on Sunday, we went to Ben and Julie's to swim and eat dinner. Chad threw the kids around a little in the pool - they both love it!

It was cold out (only in the low 70s), and Emma kept shivering and I thought she was done swimming. So I took her suit off...then she wanted back in! That's why she's only wearing a swim diaper. :)

Cheese while swimming!

Here's the infamous boat from our beach trip! Hannah, Lynsdey's friend, Will, Emma, Drew and Lyndsey all squeezed in!

Then we ate pizza for dinner and got the baseball gear out!

And the kids jumped on the pool cover!

Then the adults took ove the baseball game! Here's Tim hitting.

Then my mom got to hit. This brought back memories of my brother pitching and my dad catching! Although, I don't think my mom would have tried to hit off my brother if it was a real baseball back then! This was just whiffle balls! My mom is quite a hitter - I think she knocked a few of them into the neighbor's yards!

Drew and his buddy Will!

The kids love my parents' piano!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Last days of summer!

We went out to eat with the kids the Friday before my birthday. Then on my birthday, we packed a lunch and headed to our favorite park - Jetton. We ate on one of the the big decks on teh lake. It was very relaxing. It wasn't too hot, just a little windy since it was also the weekend that Hurricane Irene was hitting the east coast.

Drew was playing doctor and checking Chad out.
Emma and Drew were watching a squirrel. He was carrying things around and then went down and waded in the lake!

After we ate, we walked almost a lap around the park (1.5 miles) to the playground. Here's Emma peeking!

I was cracking up at Emma's wispy hair sticking straight up every time she'd swing forward! Her hair is getting thicker in the back, but still pretty thin and straight!

Drew loves to go as high as possible!

The day after my birthday, Sunday, Chad ran in the Warrior Dash. At first, we'd planned to do it together, but I chickened out! It is a 5K race (3.1 miles) that has 12 or 13 obstacles in it (jumping in and out of dumpsters, horizontal cargo net, wading through a pond and climbing over logs, crawling through mud under barbed wire, etc.). They set this race up in all different locations all over the country and people travel all over to be in it. There were over 10,000 participants in the Huntersville race - over 500 started the race every 30 minutes. Needless to say - it was awesome! Chad's parents came and watched the kids, so I could go watch Chad run. I am glad I didn't do it (I just HAD to see it before i put myself through it!), but I'm excited for next year - and I think we've even recruited my sister's husband and hopefully some other friends and family! Here's the start of Chad's heat - around 500 people ready to go!

Spectators were close to the last two obstacles and the end where they jumped over fire and crawled through mud under barbed wire and ran to the finish line.

This is the obstacle that scares me a little. It's at the very end, and there's big spaces and a big drop! Chad made it look easy!

Most of the runners were covered in mud at the end, but Chad was fairly clean.

We went to the park a lot last week. The end of summer is near and the weather has been pretty nice.
"Higher, Daddy!"

The same day that we went to the park, we also went to Discovery Place Kids. Drew loves the train tables!
And here's Emma dressed as a construction worker! haha