Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Indiana Trip & First Day of School

Today was Drew's first day of Preschool! I think he was pretty tired from our long day in the car yesterday, but he was still pretty excited. He did great and had fun! Emma was the one that had a hard time. We came home after dropping him off, and she looked around, sat on the floor, and cried (tears and all), "Deeewwww!!" It was so sad...and sweet!

This past weekend (Labor Day Weekend), we went to Indiana. We drove all afternoon/evening on Friday. Then Saturday morning we went to my sister's house. They got their guinea pig out for Drew and Emma to play with it. They fed it a celery stick!

Later that day, everyone came over to my parents' house (excpet my sister, she had to work). We even had a redneck fireworks show before a huge storm hit!

Then on Sunday, we went to Ben and Julie's to swim and eat dinner. Chad threw the kids around a little in the pool - they both love it!

It was cold out (only in the low 70s), and Emma kept shivering and I thought she was done swimming. So I took her suit off...then she wanted back in! That's why she's only wearing a swim diaper. :)

Cheese while swimming!

Here's the infamous boat from our beach trip! Hannah, Lynsdey's friend, Will, Emma, Drew and Lyndsey all squeezed in!

Then we ate pizza for dinner and got the baseball gear out!

And the kids jumped on the pool cover!

Then the adults took ove the baseball game! Here's Tim hitting.

Then my mom got to hit. This brought back memories of my brother pitching and my dad catching! Although, I don't think my mom would have tried to hit off my brother if it was a real baseball back then! This was just whiffle balls! My mom is quite a hitter - I think she knocked a few of them into the neighbor's yards!

Drew and his buddy Will!

The kids love my parents' piano!

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