Tuesday, September 29, 2009

pictures at the park

The weather this week is going to be amazing! We took advantage of it today, and went to the park by our house. Drew moves around quick so it's hard to get many good pictures. Every time I'd ask if he was ready to leave, he'd say "no" and shake his head and keep on going! Someone locked their car doors in the parking lot and it made a beeping sound, so just as I was taking the picture he was saying "beep beep" and pretending to press a horn.

Oh boy, sand! He loves to run his hands through it and watch it fall to the ground.

"Swing, swing, please?" Who can turn that down? He still gets the giggles on a swing!


Last weekend, we watched the IU game - and a package arrived for Drew from Grandma and Grandpa! Pefect timing - the package included an IU sweatshirt! So, he put it on and did his IU cheer for us (he tries to do the I-U arm motions)!

By the time the NC State game started, Drew wasn't interested in football any more. We put his NC State sweatshirt on him, but he wouldn't say "go pack!" for the camera. I know we'll have plenty of opportunity to catch that on camera another weekend! He does like watcing the crowd and clapping when they do. And he'll say "kick" and "run" and "fast"while watching a game. He'll get confused and say "go pack!" during any game that's on though. haha!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Drew reads his first book

We got this book from the library on Sunday, and it quickly became a favorite ("What's up, Duck? a book of opposites"). Even to the point that Drew has memorized the whole thing and can "read" it on his own! Here's a video.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drew at the park

Not a lot has been going on, so there hasn't been too much opportunity for pictures. On Mondays, I take Drew to a Play to Learn program, where we meet up with other moms and kids of similar ages at a facility with tons of toys, art projects, stairs and slides, etc. He loves it. This week he found a fire truck and carried it around the whole time - up and down the stairs, down the slide, everywhere. On Thursdays we've been going to storytime at the library, and he loves that too. The other days we meet up with friends, go the park, run errands and stay busy. And, of course, after his lunchtime nap, I feed him and get him cleaned up and then we head to the Y so I can work every afternoon. Last weekend, we headed to the park to let Drew run around. Here he is trying to keep up with Daddy.

And saying "tree."


We've realized that he can say pretty much anything now...as long as it's 2 syllables or less. He tries to say "ambulance" but it comes out "am-bance." But he communicates very well and uses words most of the time to express himself. He will use "one" and "two" appropriately (and will say other numbers but doesn't know what they are yet) and knows what a "square" is. He knows a few colors, but tends to get them mixed up (blue, brown, black are the ones he usually gets). When we say "love you" to him, he smiles and says "uh-vee." There's a few phrases that he doesn't get too close to the actual sounds, but it's just his way of saying it. And one of his latest achievements is jumping. He LOVES to jump and can get pretty high off the ground sometimes. Here's a video of him jumping at the park.

And, of course, he's getting faster and faster - here he is running (over and over) on the bridge. He still loves bridges, buses, and airplanes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Drew's backpack

Drew got a backpack! It was time to graduate from the diaper bag. I've got the giant purse for trips to the store or whatever, but he needed something to take to childwatch at the Y with his diapers and snacks. Here's him posing (he loved it until I put his goodies in there - then he acted like he was gonna fall backwards!).

We have the picture of Will, Parker and Drew as our wallpaper on the computer, and Drew always points and says their names.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another quick Indiana trip

A couple weekends ago we took Drew to a jazz concert at a park. We had dinner and let him run around a bit. He wasn't to in to the music, but they have all different kinds of music there, so I think we'll try it again when there's some more upbeat stuff! Here he is finishing up dinner so he can go throw the frisbee some more.

This past holiday weekend we made another quick trip up to Indiana. My grandmother has been sick, so we wanted to spend some time with her. Drew did so good - even skipped his naps so he woudln't miss out on anything! But eventually he passed out...and ended up in bed with Grandma!

Drew enjoyed running around outside the Hospice Center. This statue was interesting (although he wouldn't sit in the bowl for a picture!). There was also a fountain that was lots of fun.

Drew was so good on the trip. He is definitely papa (my dad)'s little buddy! He walks around with his hands clasped behind his back just like my dad now. And we will never forget how my dad was hunched down making Drew's grinch walk around, saying "doody doody doo"...and then Drew tried to do it! SO funny! He is such a copy cat! And of course that was followed with a "more, more." That's his favorite word if he likes something and wants more of it. He also mastered saying "Lyndsey" this trip and loved playing with her! And he has started saying "this" and patting the floor if he wants you to come sit next to him and play.

Today I took Drew to a storytime at the library that several of my friends have been raving about...and it was great! The first 45 minutes is a regular storytime with Mr. George. Drew sat in my lap the entire time, just checking things out. He was very in to the stories and waved "hi" when we introduced ourselves, but he did not want to get up. (By the way, out of the 5 boys that were there, there were THREE Drews!) Then the last 30 minutes was a Spanish storytime, and Drew became much more daring. He was up and right in the middle of all the dancing kids. And his copy cat skills came in handy. He was the only little one that would copy all the teacher's actions as they sang songs. They even did "head, shoulders, knees and toes" in Spanish and that's one of Drew's favorites! After each song, he'd look for me and yell "Mommy!" and stand with me for a minute and then jump back into the song or story. (hope he doesn't do that when we start sports! haha).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

few pictures from July

There hasn't been a whole lot going on here lately. We're looking forward to the long weekend with nice weather coming up! Here's a few pictures my parents took during our July trip to Indiana that I never got around to posting.

We went to the park and Drew got to swing with Grandpa.
And he really liked the tunnels! Or, as he says it, "nunnel!"

We went swimming at Ben and Julie's house, and then Aunt Sarah fed Drew some lunch.

Here's Drew surfing in the pool!

Here's another one from the park with the carved bears!