Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy weekend

We had a busy weekend - on the go the entire time! We went out to eat twice, and Drew did great both times. He enjoyed himself with the occasional happy squeal and raspberry blowing. He got some alone time with Daddy while I worked Saturday morning. He also got to hang out with Grandmom and Granddad while Chad and I played a quick 9 holes of golf. Then he got to see the fish at the aquarium at Bass Pro Shop. He especially liked the moose at the entrance to the store. Then today he was an extra big boy - he rode in the grocery cart w/o his carseat!! My mom got us a cart cover for him, and he loved it! He wanted to hold (eat!) my grocery list, but I think he enjoyed being a big boy and being able to "help." He's good at sitting now, and is starting to reach for things farther and farther away, to where he's almost on his hands and knees. If we set him on his hands and knees he'll rock back and forth a little bit. He's getting so big!
Here's Drew looking older and older...
Becoming more and more mobile!
Petting the moose!!

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