Monday, May 17, 2010

Emma's One Month Dr Visit

Emma had her one month well visit today. She weighs 9 lbs 15 oz (more than Drew did at one month! Although he had stomach issues during that first month...), which is around the 60th percentile. She is 21 3/4 inches long, which is around the 60th percentile too. Her head is 38 cm, which is closer to the 90th percentile - and the doctor said that her weight and height will probably catch up to her head. So, the good news - she's a growing, healthy little girl!! Last weekend she went through a growth spurt and was eating every 1 1/2 to 2 hours...even at night! But that lasted about 3 days. Then she went back to her normal routine, which is sleeping about 5-6 hours, waking up to eat around 3am or so, and going back to sleep for another 3 hours or so! So awesome for a one month old! And she usually insists on eating about every 2 hours during the day. I have pumped and given her a couple bottles, which she did a really good job with. That's a huge thing - b/c that means she'll let me work more hours at a time when I go back in a few weeks.

I had my post partum doctor visit last Thursday, and the doctor said I was healing up great! He gave me the green light to workout and do whatever I need to do! YAY! These last 10 pregnancy pounds are really bothering me, so I can't wait to get active. I have been taking the kids on some walks in the double stroller, which is a really good workout. Our neighborhood has some hills, and we did the trail at Jetton park, which has lots of hills. And Drew tells me, "Good job walking, Mommy!" while I'm pushing them. I've been teaching him about exercise, and he'll even do crunches with me in the living room!

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