Wednesday, June 6, 2012

T ball and Carowinds

We haven't seen our snakes since before our Indiana trip.  But we have seen the baby bunny up on our back deck several times! haha  He even hopped right up to the back door while the kids were looking at him!

Drew's t-ball practice has been rained out 3 times!!  So, they didn't show a whole lot of improvement from their first game to their second game.  haha   Here's Drew running home!

Drew had three turns at bat, and he hit off the coach twice! yay!  (not that it matters, but I think he's the only one on his team that has actually hit the ball when the coach pitches it in the game!)

And then he had one hit off the T.

We took the kids to Carowinds last Sunday - it was a perfect 80 degree sunny day!  I was so happy to get this picture!!!  Drew still looks like Charlie Brown! LOL

They did this first - we usually call it the "balloon ride,"  but since Emma is afraid of balloons now, we had to call it "the baskets!"  haha

This is my new favorite picture!!  I love it!!

Drew wouldn't smile for a picture with me, but at least Emma cooperated.  =)  I wish the kids liked smiling for pictures as much as I liked taking them!! haha It would make things much easier!

While Drew and Chad were riding something that Emma was too small for, she and I went over and checked out a performance.  Lucy, Linus and Charlie Brown were singing and dancing - and Emma LOVED it!  She was clapping and dancing.  They even sang "Old McDonald had a Farm!"  Drew and Chad joined us just in time for a high five from Charlie Brown!

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