Monday, August 2, 2010

Potty trained and rolling over

This has been a big week for the kids!! First of all, Drew is now a BIG BOY!! I think it is safe to say that he is fully potty trained! He hasn't had an accident in a week now. He's not completely trained during naptime/nighttime, but that will come later. We are just so proud of him for figuring things out this fast! He does great at the Y (their staff is awesome!), so I will be curious how he'll do when we're out and about. We've been to the store, but he goes before we leave and holds it until we get back. We promised him the Cars movie if he started using the potty, so we had a movie night Friday night. He was soooo excited when he came downstairs after getting his jammies on and saw that I had the blankets and pillows set up to watch the movie!
Emma lasted about 5 minutes of the movie, and then she wanted to eat and go to bed! She is still sleeping 9pm until about 6:30 or 7am, which is wonderful! Here's the kids sitting together for a picture.
Drew was excited to hold Emma for this video. He loves to give her kisses and tells her (as well as me and Chad) that she's his best friend - so sweet! But after a quick video, he says, "Okay, put her back." HAHA!

Emma loves her moose toy! She now holds, studies and plays with her toys.
Here's Emma in her Cinderella dress. Now she just needs a party or fancy ball to go to!

I was changing Emma's diaper, and I hear Drew yell (panicking), "Mommy, I'm stuck! Help me, Mommy!" I saw him stuck in the bench and burst out laughing. He was confused at first and then realized how funny it was - we had to get a picture before I rescued him!

Everyone says Emma looks like me...I think she's got some Chad in her too!

New best buddies. Charlie likes to sleep under Emma's crib during the day!

Emma in a pretty outfit.

And for Emma's big news for the week...she rolled over for the first time (that we saw)!! She had actually rolled to her belly in the night last week, but I didn't want to count that as her official "roll over." She's done it a whole bunch now, and I got it in a video!

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