Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Emma's 4 month dr. visit

Emma had her 4 month well visit today and did a great job! She is 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile - tall little thing!) and 13 lbs 15 1/2 oz (55th percentile). Her head is 41 1/2 cm (65th percentile. She was so wiggly and active laying up there on the table. And when the doctor put her on her belly, she was pushing up tall and looking all over the place. The doctor said she's very active and seems really strong. She was impressed that she rolls both ways and moves around so much. I told her about how she drools so much, but she said she didn't see any teeth coming through, but that it may not be long. Emma got some shots and an oral vaccine. She only cried for a minute and then we were on our way and she was happy as could be! Drew likes her bandaid! :) He was a good boy and told the doctor that "Emma is growing so fast. And I'm getting big TOO FAST!" haha!

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