Saturday, January 30, 2010

SNOW!! And lots of it!

Drew finally got to play in snow that lasted more than a couple hours!! It started snowing yesterday afternoon around 5pm or so while Drew and I were at the Y. He squealed with excitement as we walked out to the car in the parking lot when we were leaving. It was coming down so hard you could hardly see in front of you - and he, of course, thought that was so cool! We got home safe and had a nice warm chili dinner (well, Drew didn't care to try it...he stuck with his usual dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets and smiley faces). We had at least 3 inches before we headed to bed! By the time we got up in the morning, it had been sleeting for awhile and packed our snow down a little, but I think we got 5-6 inches. Here's Drew checking it out in his jammies. "Snow!"
But then he didn't want to come inside... So, we had to get bundled up and head out once we ate some breakfast. I had been scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday, but luckily both things were cancelled so we got to all hang out together. Here's Drew heading out. Notice his little navy homemade scarf - Judy, the lady that works the front desk at the Y (and LOVES Drew) made it for him! She's one of his best friends!
And a video of the excitement! He was too excited for words - he just squeals!

We went for a walk and delivered Drew's birthday party invitations to some of his neighborhood friends. It was still sleeting a little, so we couldn't really make any snowmen.

Here he is stomping in the snow after Chad rescued him. He'd stepped off the sidewalk and toppled over in the snow!

He's on his way back up to the house. Sleet can make playing in the snow not so much fun after awhile.
One more picture! But I don't think he's in the mood to say "cheese!" But his rosey cheeks are pretty cute!

We got a kick out of the perfect little "cake" on the table out back. We wish we had some candles so we could tell Drew that's his birthday cake! I thought I'd found a bakery that could make an egg and milk free cake, but they only do egg free. I'm on a mission to find a treat that he can share with his friends on his birthday. I refuse to serve everyone but him birthday cake - he definitely understands what dessert is, so that would be cruel!

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