Friday, January 15, 2010

Fun Week

Drew's been having all kinds of fun this past week. Last Friday he went to Parents Night Out at the Y while Chad and I got to go out to eat (early Anniversary celebration) and run a few errands. They said he had a blast and was running wild the whole night! He was so wound up and excited when we picked him up around 9:30pm, he took off running down the hall in his jammies! Then over the weekend we finished getting our living room organized - and Drew really likes the new tv. But he'd turn his hands up and say, "other one? tv?" On Sunday Chad's parents came to visit, and Drew always enjoys that!
Lately Drew likes to point at us and say our names, "Mommy, Daddy, Drew." And then I pointed at my belly and asked him who that was. He thought about it for a full minute and then said "Emma!" I was impressed - I was expecting him to say "baby."
Here's Drew playing with one of his favorite toys (he got 5 of them for Christmas - all different sizes!). Please notice the robe and slippers! With temperatures down in the teens, our downstairs is cold so we have to bundle up!

On Wednesday morning we met some friends at the mall play area, and Drew had a great time! I let him loose as we entered the play area and he ran off as I walked over to meet my friends. A couple minutes later he came up to me...and was already barefoot! So, I had to go on a sock hunt! He's never been a big climber, but he's getting better. My friends' kids kept taking little snack breaks and hanging out with the moms, but Drew ran around the whole time! He loved it.

Then this morning it was finally a little warmer (high 40s), so we met some friends at the park. I wish I'd gotten a picture of him and his friend Madison on the teeter totter (which they played on most of the time!) - it was very cute! I just snapped a quick picture as he took a quick break for his fruit snacks (favorite treat of his!!).

This weekend we're gonna do a potty experiment! We're going to ATTEMPT to potty train Drew, but we're definitely open to the idea that he may not be ready and he may end up back in diapers. But I'm hoping that he kind of gets it and we can spend the next three months helping him perfect it (by the time Emma gets here). We'll see though...

1 comment:

Sara and Randy said...

Are you gonna do the bare-bottom potty training? That's what we've done with G and she does really well WHEN she's bare-butt (or just in undies). In public I'm not brave enough to have her without a pull-up, so we're not staying dry when out and about.
Good luck!!