Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We took Drew to the Charlotte Thanksgiving Day Parade this morning (supposed to be the 4th largest parade in the US with over 100,000 people watching!). There were lots of marching bands, horses, motorcycles, fire trucks, dancers, buses, and even a helicopter! Check out his dance moves as a marching band performed infront of us.

He did really well staying in one spot for the whole two hour event. He liked waving to everyone. We saw someone we know from the Y in the parade, and Drew got a balloon from her. And at the end of the parade he even got a little Teddy Bear from Santa! He hugged that little thing all the way home and even took him to bed with him for his nap!

Here's Drew waving at the police motorcycles. You can see that it was really foggy at the beginning of the parade.

Closeup of Drew watching intently.

Mommy gave Daddy's arms a break for a few minutes. We had good seats, but a man at least 6'8" decided to stand infront of us, so we had to stand in order to see.

Drew was very concerned about the balloons that people had let go of and were stuck in the tree above us. He kept saying "Stuck! Get it!"
There was one "actual" float in the parade - it was the grand finale just before Santa. They had to maneuver it around the traffic lights and trees.

Then we did some family housecleaning once we got home. Drew loves to take parts to the vacuum and "help."

While I write this we are patiently (for now) waiting for our turkey... I followed all the instructions for thawing it and cooking it, but it seems to still be a little frozen or something. Hopefully I'll have this meal mastered by the time we host a bunch of people down the road! If our turkey is bad, at least we'll have some good stuff at Chad's parents on Saturday!

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