Friday, November 6, 2009

Drew knows MOST of his ABCs

We've been practicing the alphabet quite a bit - Drew has some books about the ABCs and an ABC puzzle. And, of course, he loves Wheel of Fortune! He likes to sing the alphabet with me (he repeats each letter after me, one at a time)...and then he all of a sudden started taking the lead! Here's a video of him rattling off some of the letters (he forgot a couple of them - but I was still impressed!).

Our porch steps have been bad luck for us the past couple of days! First, Drew accidentally let go of his balloon from the grocery store. I was ahead of him carrying all the groceries, and I hear him say (real sadly!) "Balloon!!" And he was pointing to the sky! So, now every time we walk out the door, he says "balloon" and points up. Then yesterday, as I was locking up the door and Drew headed down the steps by himself, holding onto the railings (which he always does), he slipped and fell head first down the brick stairs. So scary! But I scooped him up and we ran inside to calm down. I checked him all over for scrapes, bruises or injuries, but somehow he only got a scrape on his temple from his rough landing at the bottom! So, then when we walked out the door, he'd point at the stairs and say "fell...boom!" Then today, we walked down the stairs (a little more cautiously), and about stepped on this little creature at the bottom! Yuck!


Sara and Randy said...

Holy cow, Becca! I am VERY impressed! I know kindergarteners who can't say their ABCs without singing the song. Just... wow.
Gracie knows A and O. Sometimes.

Grant said...

very impressive!