Monday, August 17, 2009

Tweetsie and 18 month Dr visit

This past weekend we went with Chad's parents to Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock, NC. Its main feature, obviously, is the big train ride - and Drew loved it! The train made several stops where the cowboys would hop off the train and put on little shows (they even fought Indians!). A little girl in front of us starting crying with all the gunshots... Drew started clapping!! He really liked the loud train sounds too! He'd make a silly face when he heard it - similar to the face in the picture below with Grandmom in front of the train.

Drew got to meet some deer, goats and pigs.

Here he is driving the fancy car with his daddy. It went over a bridge - so Drew really liked it!

He sat on the fake horse just before we left. He grabbed the reins and was ready to go!

He even rode the ferris wheel that overlooked the mountains at the top! I was very nervous every time he moved (there wasn't much holding him in), but he didn't fight to get out - he actually liked it. He'd say "up" as we went up and then "down" when we went down. He's very in to opposites right now (up/down, on/off, open/shut).

Drew had his 18 month doctor's appointment today. He was such a big boy! It's nice that we don't always have to lock him into a stroller now - he walked right in, rode the elevator, followed the nurse to our room - he was very good. He got some shots, but only cried when they actually stuck him. Then he was fine once he had a bandaid. He pointed to it and said "boo boo." We also got his new measurements - and this boy has been growing!! He is now 34 inches tall (90th percentile)!! His weight didn't go up too much - he's at 25 lbs 2 oz (40th percentile). And his head is the same at 48 cm (55th percentile). The doctor isn't concerned with his lower measurements - she said he looks healthy all around! Here he is posing in his chair in his room - I need to dig up the other three pictures that I have of this same pose at other ages (I think 3 mos, 7 mos, and 13 mos). And now....18 months!!

And then he posed in the dining room, sitting on the window sill.

I wish this one had turned out better - what a sweet little boy!! :)

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