Thursday, August 20, 2009

couple videos of Drew

We've been putting all Drew's balls in his ball basket (the Easter basket he got from his grandma and grandpa). Well, his new favorite thing to do is shake it real hard and watch all the balls fly out...and then he carries it like a purse! While mowing, nonetheless!!

I know this next video isn't that exciting...but it's exciting to us!! Anytime we find a treat that Drew can have (all the good stuff has milk or eggs in it!), it's fun to watch him enjoy it! Chad's mom found some ice cream for him, and I gave him some after he was such a good boy getting blood taken. There was just one nurse working when we were there, so I had to hold him down by myself! But he sat on my lap and was super still - he just let out an angry cry when she stuck him. Then he just watched her draw blood, and said "boo boo" when she put a bandaid on! By the way, this blood was taken to test for his food allergies again, so hopefully we'll have good news in a week or so!!

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