Saturday, January 31, 2009

happy EARLY birthday!

We gave Drew his birthday present early - I think he likes it!
Later that night, after his bath, he got to sit in his new chair and watch some Baby Einstein. Sleepy boy!!
Drew has had a cough the past week and has been cooped up in the house. Luckily, he seemed to be feeling much better today, so we took him to ImaginOn (the children's library in Charlotte), and it was really cool! He met some other babies and loved the toddler section! We'll definitely be taking him back there soon. They even have story times that I'm sure he'd like.
Then he got changed into his NC State gear for the UNC-NC State basketball game. He made sure his chair would be comfortable to watch the game in. (Too bad he napped during the actual game.)

Then he practiced his jumpshot. He may eat left handed, but he throws and shoots right handed!

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