Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Drew's out and about

Over the weekend, we went to Chili's and we were amazed at how good Drew was! He was really hungry, so he ate his finger foods (Cheerios, rice cakes, and puffs) the WHOLE time. And he had to turn around to smile and wave at the family beside us. The dad looked a lot like Drew's Uncle Marc, so I think that's why he kept having to turn to stare.

I took Drew to the park by our house, and he had a lot of fun! He'd only been on the slides and swings before, but we played with all the stuff this time - even the dirt! And another mom and her kids were there, and Drew got to pet their dog, Buckley. It looked like the dog on Frasier - very cute!! I'm thinking that Drew will need a puppy dog someday!!

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