Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Poor teething baby!

Well, Drew's teeth are continuing to grow. For the most part, he acts just fine. But at times, you can tell his mouth hurts. Last night he woke up around 4am crying. I tried to help him fall back asleep, but he threw both his pacifier and cold teething ring across the room. He was pulling his ears and was miserable. I gave him some Tylenol and rocked him for awhile...and then he ended up in bed with us for the rest of the night! Poor guy! But during the day, he has been just fine.
You can see his two top teeth (sort of) in this picture of him laughing. I think it's funny when I tell people that his teeth are coming in, and they say, "oh, let me see!" like Drew's going to hold his mouth open for them to check it out! You have to look quick when he's eating or laughing.
Drew's new favorite toys - a loud, clanging bowl and a rubber spoon!
Here's the happy guy in one of his favorite places.

I hadn't planned on signing Drew up for another session of swimming b/c they were only offering a twice a week class. But Monday I found out they changed it to just once a week - so we signed up and started on Tuesday. He, of course, loved it again! He squeals and splashes and gets so excited - I'm so glad we were able to get him in the class again!

We got to the Y early today, so I took him into the gymnastics center - he loves it in there. I've brought him in several times, and he just takes off crawling across the floor mat. I put some other mats on the floor and he was climbing on them and pulling up on them. He especially enjoys the huge ceiling fans!

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