Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drew went down a slide! And he is pulling up now!

Drew went to a park in Lenoir, since the weather was so nice for November 1st - in the 70s!

Here he is with Dad - he didn't want to touch the motorcycle for some weird reason.

Here's Drew on the slide for the first time!

And here he is clapping at the bottom.

And Drew got to see his first cow near the park!

Drew can now pull up to a stand. He's been doing it randomly for a week or two, but this weekend he really figured it out and did it on everything. With supervision, he crawled up several stairs too! We might need to get that baby gate that we were putting off...

The cats can show off their "pulling up" skills too :) If only they'd stay like that and let Drew join them - how cute would that be?! They are getting better about letting Drew get close enough to touch them - and they'll even get near him to see what he's doing.

And here's one last video of Drew - super tired - but still giggling and being silly before a nap.

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