Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bike, soccer, Owen's birthday

Last week we took advantage of our awesome fall weather and went for a walk after dinner.  Drew was doing SO GOOD on his bike!  He fell on his bike a couple months ago, and had been really cautious and scared for awhile.  And with it being so hot, we just hadn't been practicing much.  But this night he had it figured out!  He even said, "mommy, take my picture!"  So, of course I did!  Maybe soon we'll be able to take those training wheels off!

I handed Emma's tricycle off to Chad so I could get a picture of all the action! 

Then Emma decided to hop off and push it herself!  She cracked herself up!

This past Sunday, we went to Wake Forrest to celebrate Owen's first birthday!!  Sherry made dairy free cupcakes, so both our kids were in heaven.  I don't even think they left any crumbs...

Owen is walking all over the place!  Here he is getting his balance by grabbing onto Drew's shirt.

All that playing outside during the party wore Drew out...I love how he's got his party hat on and his goody bag close by!  I'm pretty sure he had a great time!  =)

Last Saturday, Drew scored his first goal in soccer...and then 6 more!!  He played great - it wasn't just fluke goals!  All the kids on his team were scoring and playing well.  And they did a pretty good job on defense and stopping the other team.  I have to say, watching him play soccer and do well and have fun is probably one of the proudest parenting moments so far!!  He was so proud of himself, but still humble - I could just see his confidence growing!  It was awesome! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fair, gymnastics, soccer, carowinds

Last weekend we took the kids to the Cabarrus County Fair.  We took a lap around to look at all the rides and games and vendors and even stopped to see a dog show.  A guy had a chihuahua climb a really tall ladder (with a helmet on!) and then it jumped into his arms! So cute!  Then we went to see the animals - which was the main thing we wanted to see!  Once again, Emma had no fear and reached right in to feed and pet the animals.  Drew was cautious as usual.  (by the way, not sure what's going on with Emma's hair in this picture - it must be an action shot, b/c her hair was never standing up like that!  haha)

Saying "bye" to the goats!

One day this past week, as Emma and I were heading out the door to go pick Drew up from school, this little guy was slithering right up against our front door trying to get inside! Yuck!  After looking him up, we believe he is a juvenile rat snake...probably a baby from our recent visiting couple...

After working out at the Y and still having some time before picking Drew up, I took Emma into the gymnastics center to play.  I was so happy that she wanted me to show her how to do things and she wanted to try them!  (I figured she'd want to just run wild!)  Here's her forward roll (need to work on using her hands).

And I love this picture!  She hopped right up on the beam and walked down it like it was no big deal!

Drew woke up Thursday night with a high fever and his head and throat hurt.  Since someone in his class already had strep, we figured that's what it was.  I took him to the dr on Friday, but his strep test came back negative.  But she gave him an antibiotic and he felt better right away.  I'm so glad he felt good in timem for his first soccer game, which was today!!  Here he is with most of his team (the Silver Strikers!) and his coach Kate and her dad Larry.  They did a little opening ceremony with the national anthem and everything!

Grandmom came to see Drew's game!  Emma was cold and stole my sweatshirt!

We were pretty impressed at how Drew was pretty aggressive and knew what to do!  He was pretty good at getting in there and taking the ball from the other team.  Here he going after the ball, and his friend Madison is right behind him (I've been friends with her mom for a while - we were excited they are on the same team). 

There were a few times when he took off running with the ball and was way out in front of everyone, but then he'd shoot it too early and not kick it hard enough.  He didn't make any goals this game - but he was definitely all over the field and going after the ball.  He did make one awesome pass to his teammate that was right in front of the goal and scored!

Erik, my boss, told me to let Drew join in one of the boys gymnastics classes last week while I was working.  Drew did so good!!  It was my really busy day where I have a group of TWELVE 5 year olds (just to put it in perspective, we usually don't let that age group go over 5 or 6 in a group!!).  But while I was leading warmups, I got a few quick pictures of Drew and got to watch him a little bit. 

Last weekend, we also made a trip to Carowinds.  Chad discovered that Drew can ride TWO more rollercoasters, since he's hit the 44 inch mark!  Chad and Drew are in the front on this one!!  I love that Drew has no fear about it and just hops right on! There's no way I would have done that at his age.

Here's Drew and Emma on the swings!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Potty, School & Soccer, Oh my!

This past weekend we attempted to potty train Emma.  She did great, in that she figured out how to hold it and not go...  But she would scream and cry on the potty and not go there either.  So, we tried to work things out for three days, but then decided we had to go back to diapers.  Hopefully, she'll be ready to try again real soon!  Here she is in her undies!  She LOVES her undies and really wants to wear them!  LOL

I got to hit up some of the Labor Day sales and get the kids some clothes - Emma loved her new Hello Kitty shirt, jeans and tennis shoes so much she had to put them on right then!  =)  She's worn her new shoes everyday since! 

Then, this past Tuesday Drew started school!  He is in th 4 year old class this year, and his teachers are Miss Lori and Miss Laurie.  He was pretty excited about school, but also pretty calm and confident like it was no big deal.  Here he is before I took him to school in the morning (super man pose!).

A bunch of my friends on Facebook were posting pictures with their kids holding a sign (with the idea that you do it every year so you can compare every year later on).  When I was making the sign and asked Drew what he wanted to be, he said "doctor!"  And before when we'd asked him what he wanted to be, he'd said he wanted do something where he could help people.  =)

And later that same day, Drew had his first soccer practice!  He was pretty excited about new cleats and getting his shin guards and soccer socks out! 

Chad had to stay the night out of town for work, so Emma and I took Drew to his practice.  She was so good and sat on our blanket going through her toys in her backpack while I chatted with one of my friends.  (Drew is actually on the same team as two of my friends' kids! yay!)  I got one decent picture of Drew before it started pouring on us!!  I had to grab all our things and run to the Jeep with the kids!  Since he only got to do half of a practice, we decided to go out for pizza instead.  We went to Fuel Pizza and shared a dairy free pizza.  Of course, it started pouring again as we were getting ready to leave, so we had to hang out and have some Skittles from the candy machine for dessert!  It was definitely a fun and busy day!