Thursday, May 3, 2012

April pictures and videos

We had a chilly day and Emma got to wear this stylish dress Olivia lent her! 

 I love these flowers!  Several of our neighbors have them. I took this picture while we were on a walk...might have to blow it up and frame it!

Cheese!  We're headed to Red Robin to celebrate Emma's birthday!

Emma had fun at her birthday dinner...until they sang to her!  She got scared and wanted in my lap! But she definitely enjoyed her ice cream that they gave her!!

Chad and Drew - Drew actually ate some of a burger from here!  That's always a big deal around here...when our kids actually eat real food!

The kids and I had a little picnic lunch out in the yard...the wind was blowing! haha

Posing...with chips in their mouths!

Here's my new favorite picture!  I can't remember if we were grilling out or just playing outside...but they were sitting like this on their own!

Some of the kids from Drew's preschool performed at a Sunday church service.  They sang several songs and then showed a slideshow with tons of pictures of the kids at school.  Drew was in several of the pictures - here's the one I got a quick picture of!

Here's a little "Jesus Loves Me" by a bunch of 2,3,4, and 5 year olds!  Drew's in the blue and brown striped collared shirt.

And here's "This Little Light of Mine."  And they say, "Hide it under a bushel? NO!"  haha

The church had a Parents Night Out event, so we signed the kids up.  Emma has been having some separation issues lately (never at the Y though!), but she did just fine for this.  I think it's b/c she and Drew walked in holding hands - and they were in the same group the whole time. Plus, it was pretty cool to carry a backpack!   When we picked them up, Drew was out playing on his school playground in the dark - I think he was having a great time!

We took the kids to Carowinds this past weekend.  So nice to have season passes so we can drop in for a little bit.  I think Emma liked riding this one with Drew!  She held on tight with both hands though! haha

Chad always makes sure he wins on this ride.  The riders that get their little plane-thing the highest get to stay on the ride for another turn.  Here's Chad and Emma on their second ride after they won (you can't even see Emma's little head!)  I rode with Drew...don't think I'll ride that one again.  My stomach just can't handle the little rides like that.  I can do coasters and that's about it!

The train ride is always a hit for everyone!  =)
Chad REALLY enjoyed the classic cars.... LOL

Here's Emma "holding" Charlie.

Drew's cleats from soccer still fit, so we put those on him.  And he needed to practice swinging his real bat - much different than his little plastic ones!  Can't wait for tee ball to start next week!!

Emma fielded the balls!

Drew had a few good hits!  This first video makes him crack up and he wants to play it over and over! haha

Emma hit a couple times too.

Yesterday morning I went up to brush my teeth, and came downstairs to these two doing their "homework."   They made desks out of the stools!

Emma had her second Pee Wee Sports class yesterday.  She loves it!!  They start off running back and forth, and she is pretty fast - even with her grover-like form!

Here she is shooting a basket and then getting bonked on the head. haha  There's one little 19 month old black boy in the class that never misses - and he shoots from 5 or 6 feet away when the goal is upright - it's so amazing!  Apparently, his dad played in college.  I think we talked his mom into sending in a video to Ellen to try to get on her show!!

They bounce, roll, pass, shoot, kick - anything goes!  Emma's favorite is sitting on the ball!  She likes to say, "Bend...shoot!" when she's shooting the ball too!

Here she is running like a wild woman!

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