Friday, June 24, 2011


On Saturday of last weekend, Drew had his last soccer practice - and he got another trophy! He did really well with the 5 week session. You could see him improve and learn more each week - which is pretty cool at 3 years old! Then on Sunday, Father's Day, we took the kids to Carowinds with Chad's parents. Drew absolutely LOVED it! His favorite book to look at is Chad's rollercoaster book. And he makes everyone stop and watch anytime a Carowinds commercial comes on tv. I was very surprised that he had no fear or anxiety over the rides. We walked right up to the biggest coaster he could ride and he hopped on no problem - as our first ride of the day!! As soon as it stopped, he said, "let's go again!" Here's Drew and I on the other coaster (there were two little ones in the kids' area).

Emma was a little cranky when we first got there b/c she needed a nap! She wanted OFF this ride...until it started up, then she loved it! But then it stopped after we were done...and she wanted OFF again! haha

Here's Chad's parents watching Chad and Drew on the ride. Chad is wearing a red t-shirt - so you can kind of see them on the far left. They actually "won" as the ones that got their little plane the highest. So, they got to stay on and go for a second ride! This is when I was pushing Emma around in the stroller so she'd take a quick nap - then she was good to go for the rest of the day!

Here's the proud winners as they waited for the ride to start back up!

Drew liked ringing the loud bell on the boats - but it was hard to steer and ring the bell at the same time! Emma drove Daddy around with the old antique cars.

Drew thinks he's ready for the big rides!!

We ran into a couple of my friends while we were there, so the kids got to ride this one together.

We took a family shot as we were on our way out...worn out!

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