Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"talking", eating, and SOON crawling!

Here's our little Colts fans! They were dressed for the Monday Night football game last week.
We got Drew's old Baby Einstein dvd out - which he LOVED at Emma's age. She doesn't sit and watch it like Drew did, but she was pretty interested in it in this video. I was trying to get her to show off her new sounds, "da da da da!"

After over 2 months of trying to get Emma to eat solid foods, she finally quit spitting it out and decided it's pretty tasty!! She has been eating bananas and sweet potatoes. Her pediatrician said she should be eating 3 meals a day of solid food. We are working our way up to 2, and just about 1/3 of a container each time. We'll get there! Here's the first day that she actually started opening her mouth for bites (instead of me making her laugh and then stuffing it in!).

Tonight at dinner, Emma even figured out how to get a few puffs in her mouth! She'll soon realize I'm not her only source of good food! :)

Monday we went on a tour of the police station with some other kids. A police woman read them a story about safety and then handed out stuffed animals. Drew picked out a pink bunny... hmmm... haha!!

Today I took Drew and Emma to the Y to do gymnastics. We are going to start offering open gym time a couple mornings a week there, so I wanted to give it a try and see how they would do. If I can get some of our friends to come too, then I can clock in and get paid to play with my kids!! Works for me! Here's Emma hanging out, watching Drew and I jump on the trampoline.

Last week, Drew and I were playing cars and thought it was pretty funny when we looked over and saw Emma with her Santa beard (spit up). She had no idea why we were laughing, but she joined in and giggled too!

This has nothing to do with the kids (except the fact that they are my shopping buddies/helpers)...but I just wanted to share a picture of my groceries that I got for $12. (I saved $66!) Couponing has been a huge hobby of mine, and I typically save 40-50% each grocery trip. We have a stock pile of pasta, desserts/mixes, cleaning supplies, toiletries, condiments, etc. I have even donated food to several different organizations in the past few weeks - and will probably do more through the holidays.

I haven't caught it in a video yet, but Emma is starting to figure out crawling! She gets up on all fours and takes a step or two and then lays back on her belly. And she'll army crawl a little on her belly too. We'll try to remember to get a video of it and get it on here!! It's pretty cute how determined she is!

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