Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

It was a beautiful Easter day! It was in the 70s all morning (and then the high 80s by afternoon). I was surprised to find more of our flowers blooming as we played in the yard.

We decided to recycle our Easter eggs from last year - so Chad and Drew washed them in the sink (so we could put treats in them).

Here's Drew in his new Elmo jammies hunting for Easter eggs.

"Found one!"

And a little video of the action:

We spent a lot of time finishing little projects this weekend (touching up on paint in Emma's room; buying Emma's shelves, lamp, and baskets; getting her carseat in place; scrubbing the bouncy seat and baby swing; etc, etc) - we've been busy! I think if she were to arrive tomorrow, we'd be okay. The main things we have left are some spring cleaning around the entire house and getting all her little clothes, bedding, and blankets washed and ready. That's all for next weekend. We moved her furniture around again, and still have to hang some things on the walls, but here's where we're at so far with her room. I still can't decide if that's where her furniture should be (which is why things aren't on the walls yet!)

And here's the really cute quilt that Susan and her friend Pam made for Emma. I'm still trying to decide how to display it in her room - possibly on the wall.

And, of course, Drew was involved (or in the way) while we moved furniture around, and he wanted to also be involved in the picture taking of her room. Here's his silly face.

Later this evening we grilled out and Drew got to practice with his new bubbles (and spill-proof container - what an invention!).

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