Monday, April 20, 2009

He's on the run...almost!

Chad's parents visited on Sunday. I think he got on a sugar high with his snacks, b/c he acted a little nutty and hyper for a little bit while they were here - very silly! He loves his granddad - here's a picture of him bursting with the anticipation of Granddad getting his belly.

Then here's one of Grandmom helping him with his train.

It's so nice that there's still daylight when Drew and I get home from work in the evenings now! He is happiest if he's outside! And he gets around SO FAST now! It's not quite a run...but close! And our yard is not the easiest to get around in - there's hills, dirt patches, nuts and acorns, etc.- but he doesn't have much problem getting to wear he wants to go. Here's a video of him roaming the yard.

Here he is peeking around a tree! He loves to peek - he'll go into the other room and hide behind the doorway and then peek out and laugh!

And here he is mowing the lawn and garden hose. :)

Posing with Mommy!
Posing with Daddy!
Some other Drew News:
* He has been repeating a lot of words after us (or at least trying) and he is always babbling. Some words come out really clear! Also, he is signing "all done," "milk," and "more."
* His current favorite foods are grapes, cantaloupe, bananas, applesauce, animal crackers, and sometimes green beans and wacky mac noodles (but not always).
* He will finish his third session of Waterbabies swim classes tomorrow!
* He is cutting his 11th tooth (top right molar) - we've had a couple rough nights with this one!
* He now loves to walk with me everywhere (to and from the car at home and at the Y), all around the Y, at the mall (although, I keep him in his stroller and just let him get out every now and then to move around), at the park, etc.
* He knows where his hair/head is, where his hat goes, where is ear is, where his shoes/feet are, and sometimes where his belly button is. And I love to hear him try to say belly button! We're working on nose, mouth, eyes and all those words too!
* He recently started turning his hands up and babbling questions (where his voice rises). He says "what's that?" and "where'd it go?" - but it can be hard to understand sometimes - but we know what he's saying!!
* He has started stacking things now - instead of waiting for us to stack them so he could knock them down

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