Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fun at Gymboree

If you say "Hello?" Drew will put his phone up to his ear, and occasionally he'll even try to say "hello." I've even seen him put other toys up to his ear too... oops! haha He's practicing so that he'll be able to call all his grandparents on the phone soon!! By the way - he's wearing his new sandals (that he got with his birthday money from Great-Grandma Greenlee) in this video...and he acts like he can't walk in them! I guess they'll take some getting used to.

Drew helps me check the mail by opening the mailbox - and this time there was a big package in there for him! He was so excited - he was giggling and hugging the package and laying on it! What a nut!
Once we opened the package, he was rolling around in the clothes! But I didn't catch that on video - but at least he says he likes what he got! (Thanks, Mom and Dad for the package!!)

Charlie enjoyed the package more once it was empty!
Drew also just got a bunch of winter clothes for next year from his Grandmom and Granddad when they visited today - thank you very much for those!! He's one lucky little boy to have so many peope love him so much!
Drew went to his friend Natalia's birthday party today at Gymboree. He HAD A BLAST! He climbed, jumped, rolled, slid, danced, clapped and laughed. Here are some pictures Chad took of all the action.

Here he is shaking his maracas to the music.
And climbing through the tunnel.

And squealing with overwhelmed delight! I'm sure his arms were flapping too!

The babies are rolling back and forth on the barrel - and the moms kiss them when they roll to us. Kinda silly, but Drew thought it was funny. Drew's buddy Jacye and his mom Anne are beside us.

And a little patty cake.

Slam dunk!

Popping a bubble on his finger.


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