Monday, March 23, 2009

Our trip to Monkey Joe's!

On Sunday we took Drew to Monkey Joe's - a facility full of blow up bouncers!! They run a special on Sundays - just $3 for all of us! We weren't sure how he'd do...but he LOVED it! He didn't even want to hold our hand to walk from one bouncer to the other - he wanted to be independent and go, go, go! Here he is playing peek-a-boo with Chad (or is this hide n' seek??). Whatever it is, it's his favorite game! Listen to him squeal every time Chad "finds" him.

Here's Drew crawling through a tunnel!

Attempting to walk in the bouncer - but that's hard to do!

His favorite thing was the slide! Here he is sliding with Chad - look at his face! He loves it!

Then we got daring and let him do a slide on his own! He's definitely not fearful or hesitant!

Drew likes to get in his rocking chair all by himself! If we turn on his Baby Einstein video, he climbs in his chair to watch it!

Speaking of sitting in chairs...Drew is now in the "toddler room" in childwatch at the Y. He has graduated from the baby room! And the toddler room doesn't have highchairs. He sits in a little chair at a table to eat his snack!! I walked by and peeked in the other day and couldn't believe what I saw - what a big boy!
Drew has also started pointing with one finger. (Yes, we know most babies do this at like 7 or 8 months...but our little guy did the Hitler point and used his whole hand...) And another piece of EXCITING news for us - Drew has started trying new foods! We have really struggled with him and table foods, but I am so happy to say that he has been doing better. Today he ate grapes (couldn't eat them fast enough - loved them!), dried stawberries and bananas (Gerber Graduates), and even some Wacky Mac (veggie pasta) for the first time!!

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