Friday, December 5, 2008

Pictures from the week

Drew's got his Christmas shirt on. It says, "Dear Santa: I've been good all year! (ask my mommy.)"
He's starting to figure out how to walk and push his truck. Notice how stylish he's looking in this picture? I'd just taken him to get professional pictures!

Here's his cheesy smile! If you squint your eyes at him, he'll do it back.

And here's the poor guy in his exersaucer...I think he got left in there too long, b/c he fell asleep! I was finishing up getting ready for work and he zonked out. I got his coat and hat on, put him in his carseat and got to work before he woke up!!

Here's Drew's first attempts at standing w/o holding on to something. They said he did it on his own at Childwatch at the Y, so I thought we'd try it at home. Not too bad! But I am relieved that I think we have awhile before we have a walker!

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