Saturday, August 11, 2012

Panama City Beach Trip 2012

My whole family made it to Panama City for our annual beach trip this year!  We all got there on Saturday night. And then on Sunday, it was a perfect day!  The water was so clear - which allowed us to SEE all the fish that were swimming around us!  They would even swim up near the surface of the water - so around your face if you were out pretty far!  Here they are around my feet - and these are small b/c I was in shallow water.  Out deeper they were bigger!

Emma was not too sure about the water and would get nervous.  Here's Drew helping her out when she started crying.

The kids all got to hang out all week!  They brought sand up to the back deck to play when we came in to eat and take breaks.

Our boat from last year had a hole, so we bought a new one as soon as we got down there!  Here's Julie pulling the boys out into the water.

And the boys took breaks from the sun and played some Wii.

We had one hazy, rainy morning that we decided to fly our kites.  Here's Marc helping Drew and Parker get the kite way up there.

Here's both kites WAY up there! 

Then Sarah helped the kids feed a whole loaf of bread to the birds.  They were flying in from everywhere!

We set up the net and tried to play some volleyball, but then decided badminton would be better.  Ben went out and bought a badminton set later.

Oreo goatee!

Parker, Will and Drew loved playing in the pool!  Action shot!

Emma would sit on the side and eat.  She just wasn't a big fan of the water this trip.

Mom and Emma

Emma and I

Family picture 

Badminton was so much fun!  Here's Ben, Marc, Mom and Chad - and Lyndsey and I subbed in.

Drew and Will had a great time hanging out all week.  I feel like i hardly saw Drew, he was so busy playing! 

Baby Jackson!

Emma got sand in her suit and took it off.  Here comes one of the bad storms - it stormed quite a bit while we were there!

We thought our tiny pool was pretty funny - especially with all of us in it and with our HUGE beach ball!

The guys decided to start some stupid challenges - here's my dad trying to LAND on the huge ball!

And then Chad decided trying to land sitting on the ball was a good idea.

Marc dove over the ball and about smashed into the other side!

Then Chad jumped through the mini intertube and made it all the way through!

I could actually do this challenge!

Three tired boys hanging out!  

Popsicle time!

Lyndsey and baby Jackson

My parents 

Drew, Emma, Will and Parker hanging out

Emma accessorized with Tim's hat, a life jacket, and a mouthful of food!


Emma finally got in the pool...I think it was one of the last days there!

We loved our family pictures on the beach from last year, so we did it again!  Here's Chad and I and the kids - they've grown up so much!

And my WHOLE family!!  It was so awesome to have ALL of us there - all 15 of us!  We are so lucky for my parents to provide such an awesome vacation for all of us to just hang out and relax together for a whole week at the beach!!  

Mom and Dad and ALL 7 of their grandkids - 18, 14, 6, 4 1/2, 4, 2 1/2, and 8 months old!

Ben, Mom, Sarah, Dad and I

Ben's family

Sarah's family

Emma and Drew

Emma and Lyndsey

Jackson and I

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