Here's Charlie trying to relax while Emma pokes his belly. I went over to pet his belly after this and he kicked me with his claws. Guess I see where I stand...

Last night we took the kids to Zootastic - a two mile trail though a park with Christmas lights. It was their last night of the season. They also have animals and other things to see, but we just went to drive through and see the lights.

70 degree January days mean bike rides around the neighborhood!

Drew and I were laughing so hard at Emma's hair every time she got to the bottom of the slide!

And as soon as she got to the bottom of the slide, she headed back up to go again! Drew taught her how to do it and held her hand to help her until she figured it out - so cute!

They liked to go down together!


The kids were dressed up to cheer the Hoosiers on to victory when we played Ohio State!

Drew practiced his dribbling and passing with Chad part of the time!

Emma practied her cheers. HOO HOO HOO HOOSIERS!

Emma can do her forward roll on the floor, so now we're moving on to some strength and conditioning to get her ready for uneven bars. =)
Emma is starting to string words together like a cave man! "Mommy, Drew ba pop!" when Drew's balloon popped was her favorite sentence - she told me about it for a few days! Drew fell and cried and she came to me, "Mommy, Drew ouch!" Yesterday she figured out how to say "apple juice" and said it a whole bunch. She even took her cup to Charlie and kept saying, "kitty, apple juice."