Thursday, March 3, 2011

Emma's fashion show

This warm weather is getting us excited for spring, summer, beach vacations and ...swimsuits!! (on the kids at least!) Emma has two swimsuits that fit her now (and several for next year already). Her little body has been hidden in big winter clothes - these little swimsuits looked so cute. I think she'll be ready for her swim class that starts in a few weeks!

Look at the hair hanging over her ear! haha

And her hair in the back - it's been growing a lot lately!

Striking a pose! She's ready to hit the runway!

Here she is in action, playing in her room.

Emma was sitting on my lap and then Charlie came and sat on both of us. Little did he know, he was gonna get a big bear hug! I'm just glad the camera was within arm's reach and he let her hug him for awhile.

so sweet!

Last Friday Drew and Chad went to a Bobcats game! Drew had so much fun! It was a 7pm game and lasted until past 9:30, but they stayed the whole time. Then that Saturday I hosted a Scentsy party, and Chad took the kids to the park - Drew got to fly a kite for the first time! So, Drew had a great weekend! But then this week he got the flu! =( He was coughing and sneezing, but we thought it was just from helping Chad out in the yard all day on Sunday. Then on Tuesday he said his belly hurt and the fever started. Wednesday I took him to the doctor, and it was confirmed - it was the flu. And the doctor said he looked amazingly well for someone with the flu. By Thursday afternoon, there was no more fever! He's been getting sick so much lately that I was afraid the flu would drag out forever, but I think he's almost recovered!
Yesterday was an exciting day - Drew actually ate half a soynut butter and jelly sandwich!! On bread!! The kid has freaked out and has never eaten bread. I was so proud of him! We have recently added macaroni (with dairy free butter), creamed corn, sweet potatoes, soynut butter and jelly sandwiches, crescent rolls, and hotdogs to this amazingly picky eaters diet. With this kid...this is a huge deal! Last week we went to the allergist. We learned that Drew is still definitely allergic to milk, eggs and peanuts. But Dr. Norris also educated us on the development of food allergies and the likelihood that he will still outgrow this. They just did the prick test on his back, and he reacted to those allergens right away. He such a big boy and wasn't bothered by the test at all (the dr. prepared me for a meltdown and said that almost all little boys Drew's age cry and get really scared).

I haven't been the best at getting the camera out lately - I'll do better these next couple weeks!

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