Friday, December 10, 2010

Emma crawls and she has a tooth!

Emma has been on a roll lately! She is crawling for real now - and gets all over the house!! We finally pulled out the playyard so we can control her (or as Drew calls it, the cage). However, Drew has been the one playing in the playyard so far! I guess as long as his toys are out of reach, that works just the same. Here's a video of Emma crawling.

And Drew and I were cracking up at the silly faces Emma was making while I was feeding her. She really wanted her bites to come faster and she was straining to reach for them. Here's the video.

And some more big news for Emma... she has a tooth coming in!! One of her bottom teeth has broken through the gums. So, the mystery is solved. Emma had some rough days of fussing, fighting naps, and wanting to be held and now we know why!

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