Monday, July 19, 2010

Beach trip 2010

We went on our annual beach trip with Chad's family this past weekend. We got there late Wednesday night and then on Thursday it was a stormy day. So, we all went to Wal-Mart to pick up some odds n' ends. Here's Drew and Olivia being cute and holding hands in the store!
It cleared up enough in the evening to go out on the beach for a little bit. Here's Chad and Drew coming in from playing in the water.
And me and Emma sitting on the beach. The wind was blowing so hard the entire trip - and it seemed to put her to sleep every time we brought her outside.

Then Friday and Saturday were beautiful, sunny days! Drew loved the ocean and sand! Here he is with Chad getting a mouthful of salt water!

What a cute father-son picture!

Drew posing with his spelled out name. He now recognizes his written name and will sometimes say "D-R-E-W" if we ask him how to spell his name.

And here's me and Drew playing in the water.

Drew and Olivia in the sand.
Chad and Grant playing with the kids.

Drew swam on his own with swimmies! He went around and around the lazy river.

We brought Emma down to a shady area right next to the baby pool and she'd sleep in her stroller. I got her out a couple times and we even dipped her feet in the pool. It was SOO windy (see the nice wind blown hair!) and it just put her to sleep!

Here's Drew pulling himself out of the water and cheesing!

On the last evening we all went to play putt putt. The kids did really well until about the 15th hole - then they'd had enough! There was a train, tunnels, bridges - Drew was in heaven! Emma was awake the entire time and liked watching all the action. I even gave her a bottle between shots and held her a little. It all went much smoother than I thought!

Here's Drew "teeing off!" He actually had some good shots, but he also liked to pick it up and put it a couple inches from the hole so he could hit it in and hear us cheer!

Here's the whole clan taking it easy as we let another group play through so we wouldn't be rushed.

We had a great time and the vacation was TOO short! Each night we stayed up until 12:30 or 1am playing cards, and then Emma would wake up around 6am, so I think Chad and I are a little tired! But it was all so worth it. Drew loved every minute of being in the pool or at the ocean. The kids were so well behaved each evening when we went out to eat. Thank you Susan and Alan for a wonderful vacation!

On a side note - Emma has been sleeping through the night EVERY night for the past couple weeks. She goes down around 9:30pm (same time as Drew) and gets up around 6am or so (when Chad is leaving for work). It is so wonderful! She can roll to her side and often sleeps like that now. And while we were at the beach she discovered that she can put her hands together - and she stares at them and puts them in her mouth and makes really loud smacking sounds. If we just look at her and say something silly she smiles right away and will laugh. She's starting to develop a little personality!

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