Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 2nd birthday Olivia!

Drew is so good with Emma and is helpful to me. People ask if there's any jealousy, and I really don't think there is! At first, he would act like a baby and want to be rocked or lay on the floor to do tummy time. But now he likes to talk to her and play with her. Here they are playing one morning last week.

And another cute smile from Emma!

On Sunday, we went to Drew's cousin Olivia's second birthday party in Raleigh. It was around 100 degrees, but the kids didn't seem to mind. They played with the water tables and bubbles outside.

When Olivia was just two weeks old, we took pictures of Drew, Gracie and Olivia on this couch - so we lined them up again with an unhappy Emma. It was hard for them to smile for the camera with the poor crying baby.

Here they are 2 years ago (Drew at 4 1/2 mos, Gracie at 5 1/2 mos and Olivia at 2 weeks).

We spent this morning at the pool with Drew's best friend Luke and his mom Jessica. I used to work with Jessica at the Y, so Drew and Luke hung out every evening in childwatch. Everyone always talked about what good buddies they are, and I'd see them interacting a little at the Y, but we'd never gotten together outside of work with the boys. It was pretty awesome to see Drew play with him so well for a full 2 1/2 hours! They had a blast! Luke hugged Drew and said, "I missed you, Drew!"

And here they are having a snack after getting dried off and changed.

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