Sunday, July 5, 2009

couple more things

There's a couple things I meant to write in the last entry and forgot...

First of all, Drew has taken the first step towards POTTY TRAINING! I'm not saying this is going to happen any time in the near future, but I was REALLY EXCITED about this breakthrough. (Sorry if this is all TMI...) I have refused to buy him a potty until he at least shows us that he knows what is going on in his diaper (other than hiding in the corner when I pull out a fresh diaper!). Well, while we were with Chad's family yesterday, Drew got real still with a serious look on his face. I asked him what he was doing and he grabbed his diaper and said, "poo poo." Wow - I had no idea he even knew what that was!! And he wasn't kidding!! He did the same thing later that night and again today (yes, he still has frequent BMs). We're not going to push anything on him, but we went ahead and bought a potty today!! :) At least he can associate "poo poo" with "potty" and we'll see where that leads too...

Second, Drew is very in to tunnels and bridges! He has quite an imagination and wants to make tunnels out of everything. If you're sitting on the couch with your legs stretched out, he'll say "tunnel" and try to crawl under your legs! We've been draping blankets around the living room making tunnels for him and his cars and trains. He also points out all the overpasses on the highway and says "bridge" over and over until we acknowledge it. We'll never miss an exit again!

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