Saturday, June 20, 2009

videos of a couple words

Drew has become pretty vocal lately. He says HI to everyone at the store and BYE to the cashier as we leave. And he always says BYE to the childwatch counselors when I pick him up, as he takes off running down the hall! We caught his two favorite words on video. The first video is him saying BUS. When I worked afternoons, we'd be driving to work when all the kids were getting out of school - so we'd pass a lot of buses and he'd point and say BUS.

And here's a video of him saying BUBBLE.

Another B word that he says - BAT. He likes to swing a bat - and he'll even put his hands together and swing his arms (w/o a bat) when we say swing! Here he is with a piece to the vacuum - swinging his "bat."

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