Sunday, June 28, 2009
Beach Trip 2009
Here's the fam!
Drew and Mommy posing for a picture.
Sherry, Grant, Olivia and Grandmom on the train at putt-putt. Olivia's ready - she's got her club!
Drew was checking everything out while we road the train. He thoroughly enjoyed the 30 second train ride...and had a little meltdown when it was over. He was so excited to get his club and swing it at the ball...but taking turns, what is that?? Waiting in a line, huh?? He lasted one and a half holes and we decided to take a rain check. The place was super crowded with lines between holes, so it just wasn't going to work out. But that 30 second train ride was fun!! He would strain and pull and try to get on every time it came by! It was frustrating at the moment, but pretty funny once we got outta there! It's something we'll remember and laugh about forever (and probably tease him about it).
The Spring House Restaurant had a bench the perfect size for these two! They sat down and hammed it up as we all pulled out our cameras!
Here's Drew and Olivia checking out each other's fashionable swimwear.
Drew started saying "oh my!" just before we went on this trip - and he said it a ton while we were there. It's hilarious! He sounds like a southern old lady when he says it. And sometimes he'll put his hand on his chest! I have no idea where he got that from! Some other words he's gotten really good at are milk (he says "mok" - rhymes with lock), snack, more (he says "mo" and does the sign language), uh oh, water (wa wa), beach, black, bee, bug (he says "buck"), daddy (he has started saying it da-DEE b/c that's how Olivia says it!!), bridge, truck, car, tractor... there's actually a ton now. He repeats a lot of what we say, and then we're amazed when he uses the word later on his own. He's at that age where he's retaining everything and is so interested - it's so much fun watching him learn and figure it all out!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
videos of a couple words
Drew has become pretty vocal lately. He says HI to everyone at the store and BYE to the cashier as we leave. And he always says BYE to the childwatch counselors when I pick him up, as he takes off running down the hall! We caught his two favorite words on video. The first video is him saying BUS. When I worked afternoons, we'd be driving to work when all the kids were getting out of school - so we'd pass a lot of buses and he'd point and say BUS.
And here's a video of him saying BUBBLE.
Another B word that he says - BAT. He likes to swing a bat - and he'll even put his hands together and swing his arms (w/o a bat) when we say swing! Here he is with a piece to the vacuum - swinging his "bat."
Monday, June 15, 2009
Happy birthday Olivia and Parker!
Here's all the kids (except Gracie N!) at the water table.
Here's Drew eating some watermelon out in the rain last week. This boy LOVES fruit!!
And here he is at the fountains at Birkdale. This is before I was able to get his swimsuit on! Now that we know how much he likes it, we're more prepared and get his suit on first.
Drew has been talking more and more lately. He's very into animal sounds and trucks/motorcycles/trains/lawn mowers. And he's starting to develop a great sense of humor - he thinks he's hilarious, so that in itself is pretty funny! Sometimes he'll laugh so hard he doubles over and will put his hands up to his mouth or on the top of his head! He had a great time "performing" at Olivia's party - especially when everyone would laugh at him. He's definitely a ham!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
fun weekend
Jayce's dad, Tom, took a bunch of pictures and they sent us some - so here they are! Here's Drew and I and Jayce and his mommy, Anne...and Diesel the dog in the background!
Look at Drew kicking! Several times he about jumped in on his own - a little too confident!
After a little while in the big pool, they ended up in the baby pool (or the dog's pool). Here's Drew, Ava, and Jayce (who has Drew by the foot!).
And Tom was pretty proud of this picture - look at that hangtime! And, of course, Drew LOVED it!! You can see Sofia's getting ready to go airborne with Don in a second too! haha