Last Saturday morning, we had a garage sale. The kids loved it! Emma played in her exersaucer outside and Drew mingled with the shoppers. Then that afternoon I had to coach at a gymnastics meet. On Sunday, we took the kids to a Touch A Truck event - and Drew was in heaven!! He got to get behind the wheel of fire trucks, tractors, a mail truck, garbage truck, construction equipment, ambulance, etc., etc!! He did not want to leave when it was time to go. And Emma had fun b/c she was outside and in the stroller. Here are some pictures from the day.
Here's Drew and his buddy Abby in a firetruck (we saw our friends Kent and Joanna there).

Emma and Drew!

Peyton Manning doing a little football toss.

The Fun Bus - what a cool idea! There was gymnastics equipment and a basketball goal and all kinds of stuff inside.

Drew driving the tractor.

He needed a boost to climb into this monstrosity (a scraper, I think?).

Emma and Drew and I getting scooped up in the bulldozer.

Drew the garbage man!

Drew and Daddy waiting in line to get in the garbage truck.

Then shortly after we got home from this event, I talked on the phone with my parents (who were heading home from the Grand Canyon). They told me that my grandma (Plopper) was not doing well. So, I talked with my sister and we figured out how to get me and the kids to Indiana to see Grandma. Chad drove us halfway (just past Knoxville, TN) and we met up with Marc and Tim, switched all the stuff from our car to theirs, and they took us the rest of the way while Chad drove back home (he had to get back to get to work the next morning). My grandma's health was up and down all week - but we are so glad that we made the trip and were able to see her. As of right now, she is stable and is now on Hospice, so she is getting good care. My mom's brother Frank and sister Judy were able to come visit too. Here they are on the porch with my dad.

Here's my sister Sarah and Mom with Emma on the porch.

I wish I got a better picture of the huge addition on my parents' house, but here we all are at the table for dinner.

When everyone was off doing their thing, I took the kids outside to get some cute pictures in the awesome weather. I got a couple really good ones!

Here's Drew with the tree face that he thinks talks to him!

Emma loves the porch swing and even fell asleep on my mom on it once.

One evening, the kids and I went to Sarah and Marc's for dinner. I forgot to bring Drew's soy milk, so he had sweet tea (his favorite!)...forgot it has caffeine in it!! His crib was set up in the den next to my parents' room, and he kept them up half the night! He'd just want to chat b/c he couldn't sleep! oops! Here's Emma and Lyndsey at their house.
After dinner, we walked to a park. Here's Drew and Marc.

On Saturday, my parents, Aunt Judy and me and the kids rented a van and headed back to NC. The kids absolutely loved Aunt Judy, and I'm glad she was able to come see our house. We hung out at the house, went to IKEA, and played with the kids outside. My parents and Judy left Monday morning to take Judy back to OH and then my parents finally got home Monday night!