On my birthday (last Friday), Drew and I made dairy-free rice krispie treats (instead of birthday cake). Now that his stool is in the kitchen (for easy hand washing), he likes to climb up there and help as much as we allow. I'm hoping if he helps prepare some meals, maybe he'll be more likely to try them...no such luck with the rice krispie treats! (and he's even had them before, but not this time! arrggh!)

We had to sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candles several times...and then a couple more times for just Drew!

Then, we got a group shot in our jammies before bedtime! It was a great birthday!

On Saturday morning we took Drew to the park by our neighborhood and played some baseball ON the baseball fields. I think he thought that was pretty cool. It's so funny how he starts sweating and will be beat red...and it doesn't phase him!

I walked around with Emma and played around with the camera. I like this picture b/c I think it shows some of our similar features.

Sweaty, SERIOUS Drew.

Family shot in the dugout. Probably the first of many summer days spent at the baseball fields!

Capri Sun break!

Cheese! We forgot his baseball hat (which he was pretty disappointed about b/c we both had baseball hats on), but at least I fished these shades out of the car for him!
On Sunday morning we washed our cars. Drew really liked the hose and would run in front of it. Unfortunately, we thought it would be a good idea to let him control the hose some too...and he got me good with it!! I screamed and he thought that was hilarious and kept doing it! Of course Chad was in charge of cutting it off, and I think he was taking his time! Pretty funny. And then we all cooled off with popsicles on the back deck. Good thing Drew's shorts were already considered old and stained b/c they didn't stand a chance with that popsicle!
I decided to start doing learning activities with Drew several days a week. I knew he'd love it - he loves learning new things and doing crafts and reading books. So, our themes for this week were the letter A, alligators, color green, and triangles. Here he is this morning coloring the alligator pieces for a craft.
And here's the finished products. There's the Letter "A" making an alligator head w/ triangle teeth and googly eyes, a TP roll alligator, and lots of triangles! He loves it and we had lots of fun! I think his favorite thing eight now is gluing!