Monday, March 22, 2010

Rough week, but we're better now!

Last Saturday we went to a Lake Norman Mommies (the mom's network that I belong to and have met so many of my friends through) party. It was a celebration of their 4 years in this area. There was lots of good food and Drew's favorite part was the hula hoops, bubbles and music. Here he is trying to catch bubbles (he's in the jeans and red polo shirt).

Unfortunately, on Sunday Drew didn't feel the best. He had an upset tummy and a slight fever. This continued through Monday too. Monday night I woke up around 3am with the horrible stomach bug! That was not fun, especially being this far along pregnant! Tuesday was a rough day b/c I was sick, couldn't eat, and I had a sick toddler to care for! Definitely the most challenging mommy day that I've had. Although, Drew was wonderful - he wanted to lay on the couch with me all day! He even napped on the couch with me! He'd hug me and rub my face and say, "Mommy's belly hurts" and "feel better, Mommy." Tuesday through Friday, Drew's belly was better, but he ran a fever between 102 and 103.6! I felt much better on Wednesday, so I was able to care for him better. I took the entire week off from work, and we barely left the house! By the end of the week, we got some really nice weather, so at least we were able to open the windows to air out the house, and we even went out to play a little. Here he is blowing bubbles.
Here's his half smile.

Taking a break from playing at his picnic table.
Riding his motorcycle.
Playing ball and saying "cheese!"

Peeking! :)

And here's Emma at 35 weeks! Just 4 more weeks until her arrival, and I can hardly wait! I think I'm mentally prepared for this...just need to get our last projects done around the house until I feel completely ready!

Luckily we are all healthy now and made it through our rough week last week! At least we were rewarded with an amazing 77 degree Saturday and got to play outside and grill out for dinner. Drew liked eating dinner outside and watching the sun go down. And Sunday he helped Chad with yardwork! It was a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Enjoying the weather and preparing for Emma

Spring is on its way!! We noticed this weekend that some of our flowers are already coming up!

Yesterday it actually got up to 76 degrees! Drew and I took advantage of it and spent some time at Jetton Park. We walked the 1.5 mile loop (which really wore this huge pregnant lady out!!). There are a lot more hills than I remember! And then Drew ran around the playground for a bit.

For some reason he wasn't so interested in the slides and swings. He'd say, "Ready, set, GO!" and take off running the same route over and over. I'm just glad he never bit the dust on the little ramp b/c he was really moving!

This weekend we went to Lenoir to go to Chad's friend Garrett's surprise birthday party. Everybody met at the bowling alley, so Drew had his first bowling experience. He's going to need to hit the weights before we try it again - he couldn't carry the 6 lb. ball! But he did like giving it a big push down the alley. And he really liked clapping when he knocked over pins and giving high fives to all the guys afterwards!

The other day I knew Chad wore his red polo shirt to work, so I dressed Drew in his. Drew likes to be just like his daddy!

My parents got Drew this toy for Christmas where he dances and can watch himself on tv. We hadn't gotten it back out since we got the bigger tv until this past weekend. He gets a little camera shy though!

We spent some time working on Emma's room. We painted, shampooed the carpets, and got the furniture up. Here's what we've got so far. There's still work to do, but at least we're making progress!

Simon thinks this changing pad is his new bed - but I'm sure (or at least I'm hoping) that changes when Emma arrives!

Oh, and our REALLY big news is that Emma's birthday will be April 16!! We have our c-section scheduled for 7:30am that morning. We will arrive bright and early at 5:30am - which is fine with me, b/c I doubt I'll be sleeping much that night anyways!! 37 more days!!