We celebrated Easter and Emma's birthday in Lenoir at Chad's parents' house. I think the kids had a blast together! The ring pops were definitely a hit! Here's the birthday girl!

Owen LOVES balloons!

Emma was so excited when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her! So sweet!!

And I think she approved of the Elmo cupcakes!

Emma got some wonderful presents - she loves them all (well...and so does Drew! Even though they are pink and girly!)

We colored eggs with LOTS of supervision. Drew jumped right in and did it mostly on his own while we helped the girls out.

Here's Nana with Owen. Owen smiled at everyone!

Here's the whole family, except for the photographers (Sherry and I).

Sherry, Grant, Olivia and Owen

A pretty decent family picture!

Mr. Caterpillar let everyone hand him around. Here he is on Drew's arm.

Here's Emma showing her eggs to Nana.

Chad and I <3

All the kids playing in the grass.

Me and my girl!

Everyone took a turn hitting, although I don't think Olivia was too interested!

Owen is such a happy baby!

Emma loved when I helped her swing the ball and get a couple hits.

Nana even took a couple swings!

Drew was "on fire," as he would say. Lots of hits and lots of "oohhs" and "aahhs" from the crowd - he was loving every second of it!

Here's my attempt at Elmo cupcakes! I think they looked a tad better in person...but at least they were pretty tasty! =)

My friend Ayesha has hosted an Easter Egg hunt in her backyard for a couple years now. Her backyard is beautiful and huge, so it's perfect! And every year, the crowd gets a little bigger. The kids had a blast, the weather was perfect, and the big surprise this year...the Easter bunny made an arrival!! Emma couldn't concentrate on finding eggs...she was too distracted by this bunny! "Hi Bunny! Hi Bunny! Bunny, Look!"


Drew found enough to share with several friends. Everything is a contest lately and you play to win! (Although, if someone else wins, he says, "It wasn't a contest. It doesn't always have to be a contest you know." lol)

"Hi bunny!" lol

Good picture of the kids with the bunny (better than any photo in the mall!), although I think Emma likes to bunny better from far away. And Drew kept telling me, "That's not a real bunny." I don't know if he meant that's not THE Easter bunny, or it's not a real bunny that we see in our yard...but I didn't ask any more questions! haha
I love catching smeet moments like this in pictures... I looked over and saw Drew helping Emma drink her juice!

We went to Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury a few weeks ago. It's the best park ever - there's so much to do and see! The kids really liked the barn animals. However, Emma is just a little too comfortable with any animal. We even found her on the wrong side of the fence trying to get a closer look! haha

This was the wooliest sheep I'd ever seen! And so soft!!

Drew needs a little extra coaxing to reach in and pet the animals!

Emma needs to be supervised to make sure she pets the right end!

We packed some food and had lunch while we were there.

Cheese! Unfortunately, my camera batteries ran out, so we didn't get any more pictures. We saw all the animals (bears, bobcats, snakes, foxes, etc.; rode the train; road the carousel (except me! no thank you!); and played on the ginormous playground. Next time we want to do the paddle boats and play miniature golf. One funny moment was when we were eating lunch and a family walked by with their Chihuahua and Emma kept saying, "kitty! Kitty! meow!" They got a big kick out of it, and Emma was amazed to see a kitty walking on a leash!